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38 issues of THE
SILVER JACKET saw the light of day before it
folded in May, 1956. It was of a size similar to
American comics of the period, rather than the
larger British comics such as 'Lion', 'Knockout'
and 'Film Fun'. 'The Silver Jacket' featured an
eye-catching silver-edged cover, which surrounded
a full-colour illustration. The title usually
appeared in red within a yellow box. Originally a
monthly, it eventually appeared every second
week. Published by the legendary Arthur Gorfain,
the first four issues featured 'Biggles' on the
cover and started off a serialisation of 'Biggles
Works it Out'. Charles Hamilton, famous for his
'Billy Bunter' books (see FRANK
RICHARDS/CHARLES HAMILTON) supplied an original
school series featuring Carcroft School, now
believed to have been based on pre-WW2 GEM stories. Issues varied in length
from 28-36 pages. Contents included short
stories, true-life articles, a quiz or crossword,
a trading post (fascinating as all ads and
letters contained full names and addresses of
readers), comics, gags and usually editorial
comments (in issue 7 the editor mentioned
receiving 8000 letters from readers since the
first issue went on sale).
FREE GIFTS similar
to those given away with English story papers
were included with some issues. #1 came with a
colour card of the BOAC Comet Jetliner (see cover
of #1 above) and #2 came with a colour card of
the Orient Liner 'Oronsay'.
Dave Westaway
Date: 29/08/2000
I was pleased to come across your article on Silver
Jacket. Having had a number of copies as a youth I'd like
to try and get a set, or at least a part set. If you know
of anybody who has any to sell or maybe to swap for
British comics. / Just one small point. The Carcroft
stories had already appeared in a small quarterly
magazine called Pie. The name was preceded by the season;
Summer Pie, Autumn Pie etc. I have here Christmas Pie
1945 with 'Turkey For Christmas' and Christmas Pie 1946
has 'Christmas Present for Roger'. Mind you I don't know
for sure that even those were the original source!
Date: 9/01/07
By pure chance I happened across your site, with people
talking about The Silver Jacket. What a
magnificent publication that was. I started collecting it
from the issue (if I remember), with Tom and Jerry on the
cover. As far as I remember, I collected it from then
onwards, right up to the last issue. I still have them,
and every now and again I go through them and read them
again. / Even after all these 50 odd years, I still
regard it as a classic publication. / Originally it was
noted just under the title as being A Magazine For
Boys, until a reader wrote in and said that it
should be called THE Magazine For Boys, which
was subsequently done by the publishers. / Another
magazine which was brought out by the same people was
The Experimenter, which showed you how to
build, and do all sorts of things. Reading through its
pages I built many crystal sets, and even a flame thrower
made out of an insect spray atomiser, an ink bottle, and
a few bits and pieces! It really worked too
out a flame about twenty feet long! Luckily my parents
didnt see that little experiment, or
they would have banned the magazine! / I also collected
Chucklers Weekly from the first to the
last issue, but those have long gone. It was good value
for money too, as it was a very thick magazine with no
glossy pages or fancy cover, and I think it sold for
Date: 21/04/07
From: L.Bryant@xtra.co.nz
What a thrill to find that others also remember this
magazine with fondness and appreciation. It was the only
periodical my parents allowed me to subscribe to and I
used to cycle to Whitcombe and Tombs in Invercargill NZ
each month to collect it. I have thought of it many times
over the years, always remembering it as a source of
information and excitement. How pleasing to find that
Im not alone in holding it in high esteem, even
after more than 50 years. I will now try to buy some
John Grave
Date: 4/07/07
Wanted copies of The Silver Jacket
(1950's) Australian boys magazine. Email John at plateproviders@bigpond.com
or write John Grave, PO Box 217, Ringwood Victoria 3134
John Leah
Date: 19/08/07
I think it was partly the influence of The Silver
Jacket that led me to produce my first class
magazine at high school and later edit the
school magazine. That in turn seduced me into the
media, including 30-odd years (on and off) in print
media, plus other stints in radio, TV, video and film
production. But its hard to grow a big
name unless you can disregard your familys
needs and/or can be an artistic bastard (or a
bitch in some circles) in the professional sense! So my
career never really reached the foothills, let alone the
heights. A foot soldier rather than a field commander. /
I recall The Silver Jacket peddled a story
that the magazine was so named because in the publishing
industry the cover was called a jacket, Well
in 30 years in the periodical publishing industry, I
never encountered that use of the word! Covers were
always just covers. Although I did sometimes
encounter it in the book publishing industry, although
other terms were much more common. There were indeed some
very odd words, like dinkus, for example,
that only a few oldies in the publishing game still
But jacket? Unlikely, although it
has to be said that there was some kind of dialect that
differed a bit between the states. But not much, and I
did work in all the eastern states and my Dad worked on
the Launceston Examiner and I had access to the Gordon
& Gotch culture in Tasmania, which operated out of
the Examiner building
So I think they invented the
Jacket myth but I stand to be corrected by
anyone old enough to remember!
John Gehring
Date: 21/2/08
As I own the set of the Silver Jacket's bound in their
covers, including a 4th edition which was manufactured to
look like the three covers available
the the time. I have attached a photo of them which you
may be interested including on your web site. / Being 55
years old they have survived the years very well. I
loaned my copies to a Jim Dickinson from Arizona for 12
months, who had them professionally bound in the USA,
then he returned them to me in Australia. / They are now
beautifully bound and a real pleasure to handle. / I am
68 y.o this year and reading The Silver Jackets again
takes me back to when I was a 13 - 14 year old boy.
for the photo, John. I've pasted it in below.
Date: 6/09/08
I surfed across your site while researching an Australian
boy's comic book my father purchased for me back in the
1950's. It was titled "The SilverJacket" and
was a favourite of mine because it was almost entirely
hand-drawn from cover to cover. I had all issues but
unfortunately my
collection was ruined when I lent it to a wayward son who
left them out in the rain. I now have only one issue,
because I still read them occasionally
and that one was not with the collection. If anyone has a
full collection have they considered having them scanned
and made into PDF files to sell on
disc? I don't know who owns the rights to The Silver
Jacket now, but I'm sure there is an opportunity for
someone here to do just that. Let's hope it
eventually happens. Thanks for this opportunity to relive
some wonderful moments in time.
Date: 15/05/12
Last weekend, I was reading an old Silver Jacket while cleaning up the
garage. For the few years when it was published from about 1953 till
1956, it was a sensation and almost every kid used to read it. At
school, in our class of about 30 boys, I would say at least 20 would buy
each issue. It was cool to say you had the latest copy. It remains a
mystery why it stopped being published. Does anyone know the reason? A
technical point is that the photo referred to the office at the
G.U.I.O.O.F. building. It was actually 149 Castlereagh Street, Sydney
which was the Grand United Order of Oddfellows building, ie GUOOF. Back
to the topic and I suppose it was the lack of TV, the top 40 music
hadn’t yet started and the shortage of local magazines for boys that
caused its brief success. I often wonder why crazes start. When the
Queen came to Australia in 1954, many kids, including me, put up signs
in their windows saying things like “Welcome Your Majesty”. No one told
us to do it and if someone asked me whether I thought the Queen would be
coming down our street, I would have to say “No”. I guess it was like
putting up Christmas decorations. The magic has gone and it is
inconceivable that kids would do that now. It was part of the thinking
at the time and the Silver Jacket was part of this, suddenly appearing
and just as suddenly ending. It was still a great magazine.
Brian Rich
Date: 12/2/2015
I typed in silver jacket and there
was a site. I bought a few copies of the silver jacket at our little
corner newsagents in Croydon England, not quite sure when but I suppose
I was about 12 or 14, I thought it was very good, I couldn't tell you
which edition it was but I remember a poem "when your pants begin to go"
it has always stuck in my memory, and I found how true it was. A good
comic/ magazine, how on earth it got into our corner shop I cannot
To be identified but
probably including Arthur Gorfain, artists John L
Curtis, George Roots, David Whittam and
receptionist Esther Collard.
Notes 1. These are
uncorrected and won't match Steve Holland's on
the Story Paper Index, where you'll find
many other issues fully indexed. To be corrected
2. If you
have any queries on the contents, please contact
the page editor.
3. Cover
scans will be found in the SILVER JACKET Folder,
in the PHOTOS section of the CB&M
Yahoo group.
The Silver
Jacket [#1 V1, October 1953] (1/-, 36pp, cover by
?) free gift
3 * Gorfain, A D * Hello Boys * ed
4 * Johns, Capt W E * Biggles Works it Out *
[Part 1 of ?] * sl
6 * Curtis, John L * The Backwoodsman * cs
8 * Richards, Frank * Just Like Turkey * ss
11 * Anon. * How the Rubber Tree came to Malaya *
12 * Lawson, Henry * Out Back * poem [ilust. by
John L Curtis]
13 * Curtis, John L * The Story of Robert
Baden-Powell * cs [Ben and his Books] *
14 * Anon. * Station in Space * illust.article
16 * Neville, Ken * The Monsters of Lake
Callabonna * illust. article
18 * Anon. * The Gag Bag * jokes
20 * Anon. * A Four Cylinder Engine * illust.
article [How to Make]
21 * Anon. * Smash and Grab * quiz
22 * Roots, George * Muscles Cockle * cs
24 * Anon. * The BOAC Comet Jetliner * article re
free gift card
26 * Anon. * Trading Post * ads
26 * Connors, Alan * Here's a Quiz on the Spot *
32 * Anon. * The Sinking of the Titanic * article
The Silver
Jacket [#2 V1, November 1953] (1/-, 36pp, cover
by ?) free gift
3 * Gorfain, A D * No Letters Yet * ed
4 * Johns, Capt W E * Biggles Works it Out *
[Part 2 of ?] * sl
6 * Curtis, John L * Adventures of John Slaughter
* cs
8 * Richards, Frank * Turkey on the Warpath * ss
11 * Anon. * The Most Valuable Stamp in the World
* cs
12 * Paterson, Banjo * The Traveling Post Office
* poem [ilust. by John L Curtis]
13 * Curtis, John L * Barnum the Great * cs [Ben
and his Books]
14 * Anon. * Rocket Ship to the Moon * ar
15 * Connors, Alan * Here's Another Sports Quiz *
16 * Anon. * The Amazing Story of Pelorus Jack *
18 * Anon. * The Gag Bag * jokes
20 * Anon. * A Four Cylinder Engine * illust.
article [How to Make]
21 * Anon. * Chromium Plated Crossword * qz
22 * Roots, George * Muscles Cockle * cs
24 * Anon. * The 28,000 Ton Orient Liner Oronsay
* article re free gift card
26 * Anon. * Trading Post * ads
32 * Anon. * The Day the Earth Blew Up * ar
The Silver
Jacket [#3 V1, December 1953] (1/-, 36pp, cover
by John L Curtis)
3 * Gorfain, A D * Over 2000 Letters * ed
4 * Johns, Capt W E * Biggles Works it Out *
[Part 3 of ?] * sl
6 * Curtis, John L * Sam Adams and the Boston Tea
Party * cs
8 * Richards, Frank * Turkey for Christmas * ss
11 * Curtis, John L * The Conquest of Yellow Jack
* cs
12 * Paterson, Banjo * Song of the Artesian Water
* poem [ilust. by John L Curtis]
13 * Curtis, John L * The Tower of London * cs
[Ben and his Books]
14 * Anon. * Frogmen of the Future * ar [ilust.
by John L Curtis]
16 * Anon. * The Gag Bag * jokes
18 * Saunders, G K * World without Weight * ar
20 * Anon. * Double Deck Chair is Easy to Make *
21 * Anon. * Muscle Maulers * qz
22 * Roots, George * Muscles Cockle * cs
24 * Anon. * Letters to the Editor * ?
26 * Anon. * Trading Post * ads
32 * Neville, Ken * The Mystery of the Mary
Celeste * [Part 1 of 2] ar
The Silver
Jacket [#4 V1, January 1954] (1/-, 36pp, cover by
John L Curtis)
3 * Gorfain, A D * Join with Me in sending a
message to Our Queen * ed
4 * Johns, Capt W E * Biggles Works it Out *
[Part 4 of ?] * sl
6 * Curtis, John L * Custer's Last Stand * cs
8 * Richards, Frank * Turkey knows how * ss
11 * Curtis, John L * Courage in the Air * cs
12 * Lawson, Henry * The Lights of Cobb and Co *
poem [ilust. by John L Curtis]
13 * Curtis, John L * The Voyage with Captain
Bligh * cs [Ben and his Books]
14 * Saunders, G K * Space Rockets - How they
work * ar
16 * Anon. * The Gag Bag * jokes
18 * The Secrets of Cinemascope * ar [ilust. by
John L Curtis]
20 * Anon. * Letters to the Editor * ?
22 * How to Make a Kaleidoscope * ar
23 * Anon. * Aircraft Identification * qz
24 * Roots, George * Muscles Cockle * cs
26 * Anon. * Trading Post * ads
32 * Neville, Ken * The Mystery of the Mary
Celeste * [Part 2 of 2] * ar
The Silver
Jacket [#5 V1, February 1954] (1/-, 36pp, cover
by John L Curtis)
3 * Gorfain, A D * Some Interesting News * ed
4 * Johns, Capt W E * Biggles Works it Out *
[Part 5 of ?] * sl
6 * Curtis, John L * The Exploits of Wild Bill
Hickok * cs
8 * Richards, Frank * Turkey's Picnic * ss
11 * Curtis, John L * Cleopatra's Needle - How it
came to London * cs
12 * Paterson, Banjo * Mulga Bill's Bicycle *
poem [ilust. by John L Curtis]
13 * Curtis, John L * The Wizard of Menlo Park *
cs [Ben and his Books]
14 * Saunders, G K * Stars and Planets * ar
16 * Norton, C B * Australia's Century of Naval
Defence - from Wooden Ships to Aircraft Carriers
* ilust ar
18 * Anon. * The Gag Bag * jokes
20 * Connors, Alan * The Story of the Sheffield
Shield * ar
22 * Anon. * A Bed-Table is always useful * ar
[How to Make]
23 * Roots, George * Can you draw a comic strip?
* qz
24 * Roots, George * Muscles Cockle * cs
26 * Anon. * Letters to the Editor * ?
32 * Bonwick, John * How I found the New Cave at
Jenolan * ar
34 * Anon. * Trading Post * ads
The page author gratefully acknowledges
the help give by Frank Morris of THE PRESS BOX, a
newsletter for collectors and researchers of print media
and associated memorabilia, Suite 1, 6 Shaw St, Bexley
North NSW 2207, Australia.
1920s PALS - usually found in yearly bound
volumes 1- 6. Was there a 7th?
1930s THE BOY
- number of issues not known.
FINN WEEKLY ("...launched by Syd
Nicholls." FM)
("..good layout, racy stories, lots of action."
fortnightly, promoted 'outstanding short stories and
Cost 3d, editor: K Wallace-Crabbe." FM)
1946 PASTIME Cost
Cost 6d ("...boxing, mystery and detectives."
Also PIE and
WEEKLY (edited by Molly Dye FM)
DAILY TELEGRAPH ("A tabloid with green
masthead.." FM)
Launched by Frank Morris in association with the Nicholas
Chemical Company, manufacturers of 'Akta-Vite'.
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