LIBRARY DONATIONS FINALISED 15.1.08 To my many friends, and their many friends, colleagues and acquaintances: In early December 2007 I half-jokingly posted a suggestion on the ALIA libtech e-mail list (and subsequently to a lot of other people) that some "cashed up library somewhere" could buy an Oxfam donkey library because I like donkeys and I work in a library, but their asking price ($2,631 ) was a bit out of my range. A few people on the list replied with "That'd be a good idea," Michelle McConchie took it upon herself to set up a bank account (and later an Oxfam account) where we could all make contributions. Michelle wisely chose 31st December, 2007 as the cut off date in which to reach our goal. It seemed an incredibly daunting task to raise that amount of money in so short a time, but whatever we raised would be going to Oxfam, so it was a win/win scenario. We set about spreading the word as far and as wide as possible, and then sat back, amazed, as the money started flooding in. We'd reached our goal to buy a donkey library by 14th December, I think, and we just kept going! A staggering $4, 388.10 being the final amount raised. How fantastic is that??? Thanks to everyone who contributed! And if you know people who have contributed, please pass this message on, because I have no idea of who all these contributors are, I just hope they all feel as good about their contributions and what we've bought as I do. Many thanks, Edwina3/12/07 celestialcobbler@hotmail.com (Edwina Harvey) Editor, Issue 12, 24 & 33 Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. www.andromedaspaceways.com Visit Celestial Cobbler Ceramics http://members.optushome.com.au/cobbler42/ Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet: http://members.optushome.com.au/aussfbull
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