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Welch Pseudonym of Ronald Oliver
See NOTES section
at the end of the page for additional
information has been assembled from several
sources and may not be complete.Bibliography
1950 The Black
Car Mystery
1951 The Clock Stood Still
1951 The Gauntlet
1954 Knight Crusader CARNEGIE MEDAL
1954 Sker
House Writing as Ronald Felton
1955 Ferdinand Magellan
1956 Captain of Dragoons
1957 The Long Bow
1958 Mohawk Valley
1961 For the King (See
NOTES below.)
1963 Nicholas Carey
1966 Bowman of Crécy
1967 The Hawk
1970 Sun of York
1971 The Galleon
1972 Tank Commander
1974 Zulu Warrior
1976 Ensign Carey
Carey Family
Books - Link books have a Carey in them but not as main
order |
character |
Setting |
link 1966
link 1971
linking Carey character
1961 For the King
1956 Captain Of Dragoons
1958 Mohawk Valley
1960 Escape From France
1959 Captain of Foot
1963 Nicholas Carey
1976 Ensign Carey
1972 Tank Commander |
Knight Crusader Phillip
Bowman of Crécy Hugh Fletcher Edward III
Carey character Sir John Carey (doesnt
appear in Family Trees)
The Galleon Robert Penderyn
Edward Carey, 1st Earl of Aubigny
The Hawk Harry Carey
Neil Carey
Charles Carey
Alan Carey
Richard Carey
Christopher Carey
Nicholas Carey
John Carey |
3rd Crusade
C14th France
English Civil War/Royalist
Nth America/ Wolfe/ Quebec
Revolutionary France
Wellington/Peninsular War
Italian Nationalism/Crimean War
mid-19th C India
5th November, 2002
Mike writes: Just an addition to your Ronald
Welch bibliography - a short story of his called
"The King's Hunt" which appears in
"Thrilling Stories of the Past for Boys" edited
by Eric Duthie and published in 1970. "The King's
Hunt" is set at the 17th century/English Civil War
battle of Edgehill and Neil Carey appears in it, so it
aligns with "For the King". Thanks, Mike.
2nd May, 2005
Kathy writes: In 'Miscellany Five', edited by Edward
Blishen, published OUP 1968, there is a short Ronald
Welch story 'The Joust' which has as one of its
characters Philip d'Aubigny the Crusader. / The hero,
Owen, comes to the favourable attention of Sir Philip and
becomes his squire. Thanks,
6th October, 2006
From: thormac@vision.net.au
Tom writes: Author Ronald Welch, aka Ronald Oliver
Felton (1909-82) was headmaster of my mixed grammar
school at Okehampton, Devon in the 1950's. Few attending
OGS knew that 'Felix' had written even one historical
novel - fewer still that he'd published several and
continued to do so into the mid-1970's. / Our ignorance
of his writing was mainly due to the fact that 'Felix'
rarely referred to his books, despite the fact that the
thousands he had taught over several decades represented
a large potential readership. / Only now, 50+ years later
(and a retired history teacher myself) have I discovered
that 'Felix' wrote more than a dozen historical novels
for young people - all set in diverse periods and widely
scattered locations. / 'Felix' read history at Oxford in
the 1930's and was a Tank Corps officer in World War Two.
Because of that background he was in appearance, accent,
dress, &c, a typical upper class Englishman. Yet he
was a Welsh patriot, not least because of his firm grasp
of the often tragic history of the 'Land of his Fathers'
- which was the land of his birth in 1909. / 'Felix'
taught only 'A' Level history - in my day "Europe
1780-1920". But to the majority, who in my day left
school at 16, 'The Boss' was a remote figure who (a)
presided at morning assemblies (b) fulfilled the 1944
Butler Education Act's requirements on religious
instruction or "R.I." / I recall that Felix
seemed to find his own R.I. lessons just as tedious as we
did. The Butler Act's compulsory R.I. clause, I suspect,
has been backfiring ever since - achieving more since
1944 'to promote secularism via boredom' than the efforts
of all British atheists & communists combined. /
"Ronald Welch" was a big man, maybe 6' 4"
and 220 lbs. He was 43 when I met him but seemed much
older - maybe because of the massive domed head and
thinning, grey, swept-back hair. As my 6th Form history
teacher he came across as a very different man from the
impassive presenter of Middle Eastern fairy tales of my
earlier years at OGS. Lessons on George the 3rd and 4th,
Chatham, Charles James Fox, William Pitt, Napoleon (&
Josephine!), Wellington, Goya, Brougham, Peel, Canning,
Queen Victoria, Melbourne, Cardigan, Napoleon III,
Disraeli, Gladstone, Kaiser Franz-Josef, Archduke
Franz-Ferdinand, Parnell, Chamberlain, the last 3 German
Kaisers, Balfour, Lloyd-George and many others, were
always enlivened with personal anecdotes. / E.g. I recall
Felix expounding on Bismarck - in his student days lying
in winter on a giant stove as a way of concentrating on
his studies; how he took the measure of Russia as a
diplomat in Sankt Peterburg; how he reacted to the news
of the death in 1888 of Kaiser Frederick III (of throat
cancer after an English surgeon failed to cure him) by
saying with a shrug: "the young fool will soon
destroy the Empire;" and how in his last years, he
warned his successors that "Germany and Europe must
grasp that in the coming century the Americans will play
a major role in all our affairs." / Felix added that
if only the Anglophile Frederick III had died at 80 -in
1911 - rather than at 57, the entire 20th century would
been unimaginably different. "No World War One. No
Russian Revolution! But what instead?" Thanks for your comments, Tom.
5th May, 2009
RHarding12 writes:
I've just been clearing out our old family home and I
came across my childhood dictionary that I had written in
many years ago of all the books I had read and in the
list I came across a few books written by Ronald Welch. I
had forgotten the names of the books and was always
frustrated trying to think of the names and the author.
Because we were a service family we changed schools a
great deal and I fell behind with my reading. It was only
the old dictionary that jogged my memory and I can
remember now going to the library and reading some of the
books by Mr Welch. His work rekindled my love of books
that I still have today and I just wanted to say that I
wish I could have told Mr Welsh just how he sparked my
love of books as well as history.
If any of his family comes across this site then please
accept this thank you for him on my behalf.
Thanks for your comments.
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