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American pulps such as BLUE
BOOK, Dectective Tales, Sports Fiction and the like,
links to good sites.
Pulps, so-called due to the poor
quality 'pulp' paper used, are collected these days more
for their remarkable artwork than for their often
under-appreciated story and article content. The
exception may be the 'Blue Book Magazine' which ran
stories from the fertile mind of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Detective Magazine
dated April 15, 1934 (vol.11?or 2, no.3) |
Detective Tales
September 1935 (vol.1, no.2) |
Action July 1937 (vol.2, no.11). |
From Terry.
I produce a small press magazine called Thriller UK that
covers vintage British Pulp/thriller heroes (from the
'Penny Dreadfuls' to James Bond) and American Pulp
Heroes. This covers Sexton Blake, Nelson Lee etc. and
heroes from The Thriller (Saint, Toff, Norman Conquest)
as well as a host of others. My website
is here.
Back to Collecting Books &
Magazines index page.
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