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Press and Clarence Winchester, the Wonders of World
Engineering and similar weekly part publications.
to be completed in about 50 weekly parts." There's a site devoted to
WofWE here.In actual fact this fine publication
ran for a full year of 53 parts, with the first
issue (shown) going on sale dated March 2, 1937.
WofWE was edited
by Clarence Winchester, who had already helmed
OF THE WORLD. He would follow WofWE with WONDERS
OF WORLD AVIATION. Thanks to Steve Holland
for his contribution on Clarence Winchester's
life and publications. Page
updated 3rd July, 2010.
Like all weekly
collections published by AP, bound volumes would be made
available once past the midway point in the run.
Purchasers could also order 'special binding cases' in
which to have their weekly issues bound. In common with
CHUMS, THE BOY'S OWN and THE GIRL'S OWN, the outer pages
would be discarded. In the case of WofWE, this only
involved the cover. The front endpaper included an
editorial and contents list, the rear endpaper details of
the following issue. The back cover usually carried an ad
for the binding cases. In the case of WofWE, the [2]
binding covers came in light green cloth with gilt
embossed decorated boards.
Issue #1, illustrated
above, ran to 36 pages plus covers and cost 7d. The five
articles within were as follows:
San Francisco's Great
Bridges [ Linking the World's Highways - 1] by
Harold J. Shepstone.
Empire Flying Boats by Grenville G.O.
Harnessing Niagara [Wonders of Water
Power - 1] by F.E. Dean.
Giant of the Ether by L.H. Thomas
The Oil Route from the East, no credit,
possibly penned by the consulting editor, Thomas Walley.
The subject of 'Giant of
the Ether' may not be evident to modern eyes. It referred
to the twelve towering masts located at Rugby, England,
which were the main means of shipping communication at
the time of publication.
The highlight of this
particular issue was a fold-out of an Empire flying boat.
This was a 'cutaway' in full-colour in the style of
MODERN WONDERS and, much later, the better-known EAGLE.
In addition to the many B/W spot photos was the centre
'photogravure' section, beautifully reproduced full-page
photos equal to anything published half a century later.
The editor's words as to
how WofWE came into being are worth quoting here.
" ...I have realised what
engineering means to the world of today, how it affects
the lives of each one of us, and why it is so significant
in the affairs of man. But all my thoughts on the subject
became suddenly crystallised a while ago when I happened
to be in San Francisco and saw the wonderful new bridges
there being built ... ......I feel certain that expert
and layman alike will one day welcome a comprehensive
survey and explanation of such achievements."
And from the editor's
"All material progress
would be impossible but for the imaginative genius and
practical skill of the engineer."
Charles) WINCHESTER 1895-1981
by Steve Holland
Born in Notting Hill Gate, London,
on March 17, 1895, Winchester learned to fly in 1913 and
wrote on aeronautics for the Daily Mail. He was a founder
member of the original Institute of Aeronautical
Engineers and an associate of the Royal Aeronautical
Society. He was the Assistant Chief Editor of Cassells,
1925-27, and then Chief Editor at the Amalgamated Press
which included the partworks Railway Wonders of the World
in 50 parts (1935-36), Shipping Wonders of the World in
55 parts (1936-37), Wonders of World Engineering in 52
parts (1937-38) and Wonders of World Aviation (1938).
During this time he was also editorially involved in many
magazines, including The Corner Magazine, 1925-35,
Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction, 1925-32, The Argosy,
1926-40, The New Magazine, 1927-30, The Story-Teller,
1928-37, The Red Magazine, 1936-39.
He later became Literary Editor of
the Daily Sketch and contributed to many American
newspapers and magazines, being the correspondent on
European affairs to the Argonaut of San Francisco. He
also set up his own publishing house shortly after the
war, and was also advisory editorial director of Crosby,
Lockwood & Son, Ltd.He used the pen-name
‘Ornis’ for articles on flying was occasionally
also used the pseudonym C. Tanner-Rutherford.
to: Boys
Magazine; Chums.
Devil Rides High. London, Cassell & Co.,
Three Men in a Plane. London, Collins,
City of Lies. London, Collins, 1942.
Hop, Mop and Drop, the Mischievous Mice,
illus. Fred Robinson. London, R. Lesley & Co., 1944.
Men and Their Machines. A literary and
photographic record of facts concerning flying. London,
J. M. Dent & Sons, 1916.
Complete Aeronautics, edited by
Winchester. London, Standard Art Book Co., 1921.
Aerial Photography. A comprehensive
survey of its practice & development, with F. L.
Wills; foreword by Sir Alan J. Cobham. London, Chapman
& Hall, 1928.
The Wonder Album of Filmland, edited by
Winchester. London, Amalgamated Press, 1933.
The World Film Encyclopedia. A universal
screen guide, edited by Winchester. London, Amalgamated
Press, 1933; New York, Gordon Press, 1976.
An Innocent in Hollywood, illus. Goetz.
London, Cassell & Co., 1934.
Let’s Look at London. A travelogue
for the short time visitor. London, Cassell & Co.,
Railway Wonders of the World, edited by
Winchester; consulting editor Cecil J. Allen. London,
Amalgamated Press, 2 vols., 1935-36.
Shipping Wonders of the World, edited by
Winchester; consulting editors A. C. Hardy & Frank C.
Bowen. London, Amalgamated Press, 2 vols., 1936-37.
The King’s Navy, edited by
Winchester; associate editors Vice-Admiral Gordon
Campbnell & Frank C. Bowen. London, Amalgamated
Press, 1936.
The King’s Air Force, edited by
Winchester. London, Amalgamated Press, 1937.
The King’s Army, edited by
Winchester. London, Amalgamated Press, 1937.
The Wonders of World Engineering, edited
by Winchester; consulting editor Thomas Walley. London,
Amalgamated Press, 2 vols., 1937-38.
Wonders of World Aviation, edited by
Winchester; consulting editor J. Laurence Pritchard.
London, Amalgamated Press, 2 vols., 1938.
The Story of the British Empire. Told
with pen and picture, edited by Winchester. London,
Amalgamated Press, 1939-
Airman Tomorrow, with Alfred E. Kerr.
London & Southend, H. F. Lucas & Co., 1942;
revised, London, C. Lockwood & Son, 1943.
The Queen Elizabeth. The world’s greatest
ship, edited with P. R. Bird. London, Winchester
Publications, 1947.
Captain Lost His Bathroom. Short stories.
London, John Crowther, 1941.
The Black Poppy, and other stories.
London, Arandar Books, 1944.
of an Air Pilot. London, Wingwood Publishing
Co., 1921.
Sonnets, and some others. Tauton, Wessex
Press, 1928.
Earthquake in Los Angeles, and other poems.
London, Cassell & Co., 1938.
A Great Rushing of Wings, and other poems.
Bognor Regis, J. Crowther, 1944.
Signatures of God. Selected poems of
truth, beauty and love. Evesham, James, 1977.
Screen Encyclopedia, edited by Maud M. Miller.
London, Winchester, 1948.
The Royal Philatelic Collection, by Sir
John Wilson, edited by Clarence Winchester. London, The
Dropmore Press, 1952.
The Crown Jewels and other Regalia in the Tower
of London, by Hervey D. W. Sitwell; edited by
Winchester. London, Dropmore Press, 1953.
no doubt, be found in many long-established universities
and public libraries around the world. I picked up my
first set from Dymock's secondhand book department
(Sydney, NSW) in the 1960s. It was in fact the first
secondhand printed item I ever purchased. Some earlier
owner had lovingly hand-bound most issues 3 to the slim
volume, including covers. The thick cardboard he had used
made these extremely heavy and I was forced to buy these
over three days, hoping that nobody came along and took
the rest. At the time they cost me 2/6 [25c] a volume.
Quite a bargain, I thought at that time. In the past 40
years I've found another complete set in single issues,
and volume 1 in publisher's covers. Whatever happened to
the second volume, I wonder? I would expect a 2-volume
set in publisher's covers to bring between Au$100-$250 in
very good condition.
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