bc Featuring Biggles from Capt W E Johns, Angela Brazil, Rosemary Sutcliff and many other authors.
Journey to the Hidden Kingdoms
by Jim Mackenzie
Page updated 5th November, 2010.


This painstakingly researched book is a fascinating guide to children’s stories about the north-east of England.

The four stages of the journey involve Newcastle; the River Tyne and Northumberland coast; Hexham and the Roman Wall; and stories set in Deepest Northumberland.

In addition to the prolific output of Lorna Hill, Hidden Kingdoms features the work of many prize-winning north-east authors including Richard Armstrong, David Almond, Robert Westall, Aidan Chambers, Winifred Finlay and Winifred Cawley, plus notable prize-winning "outsiders" such as Rosemary Sutcliff and Philip Turner. Angela Brazil, Percy F. Westerman, Terry Deary and Captain W.E.Johns (the creator of “Biggles”) also feature in this book.

This 96 page, A4 format book, which includes maps and illustrations, is priced £12.99, by Powdene Publicity, Unit 17, St.Peter's Wharf, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1TZ. Tel: 0191-2650040.

You'll find an article and a picture of Jim at http://www.newsguardian.co.uk/ViewArticle2.aspx?SectionID=1113&ArticleID=851753

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