HBC #39
HBC #39
Spine alterations
MAGNET replaces 'The Greyfriars
Book Club - No.39' at the top
1916 replaces the HB symbol at
the base |
Canadian edition
Date: 22/04/07 12:25:32 AUS Eastern Standard Time
From: wdeussing@sympatico.ca (Wolfgang Deussing)
In March of 2002 I acquired from a Salvation Army store a
"First Edition New Series Howard Baker Greyfriars
Library Book.1" titled "Billy Bunter gets the
boot". On page 6 the following information stated:
Canadian Paperback edition 1989 Distributed exclusively
in Canada by Edco Sales, Suite 900, 2 Sheppard Ave. E.,
Willowdale Ontario Canada M2N 5Y7 Printed in Canada by
Webcom Ltd., Scarborough, Ontario, Copyright: HOWARD
BAKER PRESS LIMITED 1980 S.O.L. No. 143 @The Amalgamated
Press, ISBN: 0 7030 0146 9. A HOWARD BAKER BOOK Greyfairs
(sic) Press Books are published by Howard Baker Press
Ltd., 27a Arterberry Road, Wimbledon, London SW20.
Typesetting by Triste Ltd. Croydon, Surrey. Any contact
with the Canadian address above in the attempt to get
other Billy Bunter books failed.
Having been a teacher myself, I feel that Frank
Richards must have been an instructor to be familiar with
so many typical problems encountered by both staff and
students. These seem to be eternal ! Reading of chapter
28 of this volume is absolutely delicious and most
pertinent as I myself have been in quite a similar
situation many times. Its also evidence that
certain negative traits seem to run in the family! And
true to the style of the modern education system (which
would definitely
tend to ban any Billy Bunter books from its libraries),
after all the ugly mess which fatuous "little
Billy" has caused, he is gloriously kept on in the
end. There and then it was to keep the story going!
This is almost a modern novel !
issue numbers in each volume are available from the
Friars Club site.
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