being Fans of Light Literature for the Young. "A rare and
sometimes peculiar yet engrossing treat during dark and stormy
nights in foreign parts".(John)
The Folly Index, issues 1 - 40
finalised 9th October, 2010.A
"must" for all those who love, read &
collect childrens books, and especially girls
school stories. If you collect: Elinor Brent-Dyer,
Antonia Forest, Elsie Oxenham, Clare Mallory, Monica
Edwards or Dorita Fairlie Bruce, just to name a few you
will find something to interest you.
I have put my comments in
red so you can see what has been added. - Barbara
I've put mine in orange. -
Folly (Fans Of Light
Literature for the Young) - Folly
is not a fanzine, though fans read it. Its not a scholarly
journal, though it publishes original research. Its not
simply a frivolous bit of froth, though theres plenty to
make you laugh. It has elements of all these things, and tries to
provide a mix of them every four months.
Folly was
founded for lovers of children's books, and especially
girls school stories, by Belinda Copson and Sue Sims, who
still edits the magazine. Weve had articles about many
school story writers, from Elinor M.Brent-Dyer to Antonia Forest
and from Nancy Breary to Evelyn Smith. Weve had short
stories, poems, lots of articles on collecting, and plenty of
silly pictures and competitions. Its surprising how much
one can get into 48 A5 pages.
editors of Folly have kindly provided their index so you can
easily locate more information on your favourite authors or
issues you require or a
subscription can be ordered from:
If youre interested in
receiving a sample copy, send your snail-mail address plus a
self-addressed A5 envelope (31p stamp in Britain, 2 IRC coupons
from elsewhere) and well send you the latest issue.
Note the new rates:
UK readers: £9; Eire/Europe £11;
Rest of world £14.
Back numbers: £2.50 for Britain,
£3 for Eire/Europe, £4 for Rest of the World.
All payments must be in £'s
Address:- 21 Warwick Road, Pokesdown,
Bournemouth BH7 6JW England.If you live outside the UK, please
email Sue Sims for advice on methods
of payment.
have included the complete index provided (in black) -
which is for issues 1-20 and will gradually add comments (to give
you more information) and the major articles from subsequent
issues. This will all take time so I hope you find the present
information enough for now. As a rule the items followed by
(article) contain substantial information on the topic.
Compiled by Molly Lofas
the bad news
Generally, books are listed by authors, not titles, Furthermore,
I have not indexed individual contributors.
Doesn't matter here - just do a
"FIND" to locate the author or title you want. Or
browse to find out just how much there really is in FOLLY.
How it works
References are Folly
number in bold-page number in standard: so 11-13 means Folly
11 page 13. 11-13-15 means Folly 11,
pages 13-15. 11-13, 15 means Folly 11, pages
13 and 15. CS means "Christmas Special". Book, article
and periodical title are in italics.
Articles are listed by title:
Things do so happen to us: A study
of the Lockett Stories by M.E.Atkinson (article:
contributor in brackets) X-yy
and also by the author referred to, e.g.
Atkinson, M E (article) X-yy, and then any other
Unfortunately I have
somehow managed to change the book titles that appeared
in italics back to normal print; sorry about that. And I
have lost the formatting which indents sub-titles, sorry!
But you wont normally find separate
entries for each book referred to within an article. The cryptic
phrase (inc bib) means that the article includes a bibliography.
You will find separate entries for some books by the same
author, depending on the context of the reference (for example, a
plot summary in Letters and Queries would be referenced,
but not a quiz answer).
In general, the contributors names are
given only following the actual title of their piece, and not
under the author entry. There are certain exceptions to this:
where there are two articles on the same author by different
contributors, the latters names are given in both title and
author entry, e.g: Jam Tomorrow (article: Sarah Burns) 17~37
Redlich, Monica (article inc bib: Sheila Ray) 6~23;
(article: Sarah Burns) 17~37
and where the article has no title other than
its subjects name, contributors are listed under the author
entry, e.g: Smith, Evelyn; (article: Hilary Clare) 5~22;
(article, inc bib: Hilary Clare) 16~3~8 & 17~3~8
Reviews are listed by the author of the
work under review; so dont look up Behind the Chalet
School under B, look up McClelland, H instead; or under
Reviews in the Rs.
Pseudonyms caused a bit of a problem but
should all be cross-referenced, normally to the name we are used
to; but dont take that as gospel.
Hyphenated names are listed by the first
name, so you will find EBD under B for Brent-Dyer; double-barrelled
names are listed by the last name, so you will find DFB under B
for Bruce
Caution needs to be used when looking up
references to Folly 20; as the Index and
no.20 were being finished simultaneously, there had to be a
certain amount of guesswork as to which pages the references
would be on after the pictures had been inserted. Page numbers
may occasionally be one out in either directionno more than
- The Abbey Girls Revisited (article: Kate Tyler) 9~20
- The Abbey Niche (article: Monica Godfrey) 9~19
- Acrostic on FC and FW (Joy Wotton) 14~8~9
- Adams, Ellinor Davenport - On Honour, mistaken
attribution of 13~13
- Aitken, Joan 13~11 - The Wolves of Willoughby Chase 14~15,
- Alcott, Louisa M 3~5, 8~10, 10~6, 14~21,
15~7, 34, 18~17, 19~12, 20~3,4,5,
22, CS~3, The Chase 20~16~17
- Alias ...? (article: Hilary Clare) 19~2
- Allan, Mabel Esther 1~12, 2~25,26, 7~15,
39, 8~16, 13~10, Cat Off a Barrow (review) 14~26,
Chiltern School (review) 2~16, The Road to the
Isles and Other Places (review) 15~19, The Two
Head Girls and other stories (review) 7~39, Queen
Rita at the High School and other school stories(review) 5~21,
The Way to Glen Bradan and other Scottish, Welsh and
Irish Stories (review) 9~13, The Vine Clad Hill 16~9,
- Alphabet of School Story Names (article) 5~7, 8~19:
see also Phenomenally Nominal (song: Sue Sims) 19~32
- Altouyan, Taqui - In Aleppo Once 13~10
- The Amalgamated Press and its Girls' Story Paper
(article: Marion Waters) 7~23
- Amazing Anagrams (quiz: Shirley Neilson) CS~74, 98
- American Books in Print 7~16
- And I Owe It All To...(article: Alison Lindsay) 19~8
- Anderson, Hans Christian 6~21
- Antonia Forest's Marlow Family Stories (article: Debra
Grice) 8~3
- Any Answers (article: Mary Cadogan) 17~14
- Ararat Arkademy: Prospectus (article: Jenny Balston) 18~14
- The Archers 13~37
- Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator) 2~26
- Armitage, Hazel ~ see Wheway, John
- Ascott, Adelie ~ see Bobin, John W
- Asthma 15~26
- Atkinson, M E (article, inc bib) 12~3~7; 7~15,
- The Compass Points North 13~9, 14~17
- Auchmuty, Rosemary - A World of Girls 7~11, 20~37
- Auchmuty, Rosemary & Gosling, Juliet (eds) The Chalet
School Revisited (review) 15~17~18
- The Auchmuty Angle (interview: Sue Sims) 7~11
- Auctions 14~7, 15~32, 16~11
- Aunt Arabelle Advises (article: Cynthia Roques) 15~11
- Austen, Jane 8~10, 25, 11~7, 14~19,
Emma CS~83
- Authorship, mistaken attributions of 12~20, 13~13
- Autobiography of a Book Dealer (article: Gill Bilski) 4~8
& 5~6
- Avery, Gillian - The Best Type of Girl 20~36
- Avery, Harold 13~22
- Awdry, Rev 1~5
- The Awful Book Award:The Hoax of a Lifetime by J
Radford~Evans (article: Eileen Cheshire) 8~24, The
Rivals of Maidenhurst by Dorothy M Parkin (article: Sue
Sims) 4~23, The Three P's at Valley Farm by Jeanie
Brown (article: Judith Thomas) 3~6
- Baffling Books 18~35
- The Bagthorpe Saga (article: Jan Owen) 8~34
- Bairn's Budget 17~8
- Baldwin, May 2~13, 8~15, 19~10
- Barbara Bellamy, a Public Schoolgirl CS~91~2
- Ballantyne, R M, The Gorilla Hunters 1~11
- Ballard, Philip Boswood
- The Bargerys 12~6
- Balston, Jenny - The Story of St Stephen's College
(review) 12~10; 14~10~13
- Barclay, Florence - The Rosary 13~15
- Bathurst, David - The Jennings Companion (review) 17~39,
Six of the Best (review) 13~22
- Baum, Vicki 1~11
- Bawden, Nina 13~11
- Bayley, Viola 2~25, 26, Because of the School
Colours (article: Peggy Walk) 13~3, Before the
School Story, (article: Stella Waring) 15~37~39, 16~30`~33
- Belloc, Hilaire 2~24
- Benson, E F 15~30
- Bequest Request (article: Cynthia Roques et al) 17~10
- Better than Emma! (article: Molly Lofas) 20~25~26
- Bevan, Marjorie - Madcaps of the Manor School 13~13
- Beverley, Anne ~ see Breary, Nancy
- The Bible 1~11, 8~11, 14~14
- Biggles ~ see Johns, Capt W E
- Biggs, Margaret - (article inc bib) 6~12; 13~14,
The Christmas Term at Vernley 13~15, Melling
series CS~96
- The Bilski Report (article: Gill Bilski) 6~3
- Black, A & C (publishers) 16~37
- Blackie (publishers) 16~37~38
- Blackie's Girls' Annual 17~3, 17~8
- Blackwells (publishers) 16~38
- Blake, Quentin (illustrator) 18~17
- Blessed, Brian 14~15
- Blyton, Enid 2~26, 5~20, 6~3, 16,
20, 7~11, 25, 9~18, 22, 37, 10~25,
33, 11~9, 12, 12~25, 13~5, 14~13,
15~22, 18~24, Come to the Circus 18~20,
Famous Five series 6~2, 17~38, Five on a
Treasure Island (video review) 11~18, Malory
Towers series (articles) 19~13~17, 20~33~37;
7~38, 8~6, 9~15, 18, 13~13,
30~31, 14~13, Naughtiest Girl series 7~35, 11~12,
14~13, Noddy series 12~31, CS~4, St
Clare's series 9~15, 11~12, 13~14, 14~13,
18~7, CS~4, 96, The Queer Adventure 13~9,
Boarding School Bliss?(article: Jemima Vigar) 18~7
- Bobin, John W 17~15
- Bodleian Library 4~14, 8~15, 9~25,
29, 14~5, 6, 15~8
- Bodley Head (publishers) 16~38
- The Bodleian Mystery (article: Cynthia Roques) 14~6
- Bone, Florence 20~32
- Bookish Bards 16~39
- Boylston, Helen Dore
- Sue Barton series 13~19, 18~17
- The Boy Scout 19~37
- The Boy's Own Paper 8~10, 16~14
- Boylston, Helen Dore 12~32
- Bramah, Ernest 12~20
- Brazil, Angela 1~6, 2~18, 4~3, 5~22,
6~4, 16, 20, 28, 7~4, 14, 26, 8~15,
16, 9~15, 25, 10~19, 21,33, 11~9,
36, 13~5, 22, 14~11, 16~28, 33, 37,
38, 18~4, 7, 19~21, Loyal to the School 18~19,
The School by the Sea 14~12
- Breary, Gretchen & Nancy (article) 14~22~23
- Breary, Gretchen (illustrator) (article) 9~12; 8~25,
- Breary, Nancy (article) 7~3 & (inc bib) 8~25;
6~20, 8~20, 9~12, 26, 10~22, 11~21,
13~18, 16~21, Rachel Changes Schools CS~84~85,
So This is School CS~91, Two Thrilling Terms 11~35
- The Brearys and I (article: Barbara Worthington) 14~22
- Bredin, Ethel Mary ~ see E M Channon
- Brent~Dyer, Elinor M 1~5, 10, 17, 2~7, 18,
22, 4~17, 5~14, 15, 22, 26, 6~2, 10,
16, 20, 28, 33, 7~11, 14, 15, 17, 25~26, 27,
28~29, 8~16, 9~14, 15, 17, 18, 22, 23, 32, 10~24,
25, 33, 34, 35, 36, 11~19~ 21,25~26, 12~30,
13~5, 9, 20~21, 22, 14~7, 10, 14, 19, 15~17~18,
33, 16~16, 17~6, 36, 19~10, 11, 12,
25, 33, 37, Centenary 11~1, 12~1, Chalet
connectors 6~24, Chalet Club Newletters 20~22,
25, Chalet School dustjackets 2~13, 15, 3~19,
17~24~26, Chalet School uniforms 10~19,Disabilities
11~13, 13~32,Editing 3~18, 4~24,
(article: Helen McClelland) 5~15;
fabulous, use of 1~17, 5~15,
health 15~26~28, 16~ 25, names of
characters 20~22~25, pregnancy in 20~25~26,
Round House location (article: Hilary Clare) 5~14,
Chalet School titles: Adrienne 20~24, Carola 10~23,
Does it Again 9~39, 13~32, Exile 4~25,
Fete 11~24, Feud 20~16, Genius 2~12,
11~24, Goes to It 20~24, Head Girl 5~15,
Highland Twins 4~24, 20~23, Island 13~32,
Jane 10~20, 11~36, and Jo 4~25, Jo
Returns 5~26, Jo to the Rescue 5~18, 6~18,
13~32, Kenya 11~1, Lintons 11~24,
Mary~Lou 13~32, New Mistress 14~4, New 11~24,
14~4, Peggy 13~21, Prefects 16~39,
Problem 10~19, 20~24, CS~97, Rivals 19~18,
23, 20~23, School at the Chalet 13~10, 17~17,
20~23, Shocks 4~25, 12~24, Summer
Term 20~24, Three Go 16~31, Trials 10~13,
- Two Chalet Girls in India 11~27~29, 13~12,
Two Sams 8~21, Wrong 4~24, 20~16,
The Chalet Book for Girls 11~15, The Chalet Girls'
Cookbook 13~21, Non-Chalet titles:Beechy of the
Harbour School CS~15, Caroline the Second 9~27,
The Condor Crags Adventure CS~16~18, Fardingales 11~14,
Gerry Goes to School 20~22, Jean of Storms 15~31,
(review) 19~30, 20~23, Judy the Guide 20~23,
Kennelmaid Nan 14~29, Leader in Spite of Herself CS~15,
Lorna at Wynyards 20~24, The Little Marie~José 10~23,
CS~15~16, The Maids of La Rochelle 20~24,
The New Housemistress 1~11, 16~40, 18~25,
The School by the River 11~36, 13~21, Seven
Scamps 13~34, The Susannah Adventure 20~24,
A Thrilling Term at Janeways 9~27
- Brer Rabbit 11~7
- Brisley, Nina K (illustrator) 1~10, 2~13, 7~12
- The British Girls' Annual 17~31
- British Library 14~5
- The British National Bibliography 13~17
- Brittain, Vera 8~11
- Brockhampton Press (publishers) 16~38
- Brontë family 8~4, 10, 15~6, 38, 16~9
- Brooke, Rupert 8~11
- Brown, Gertrude 17~15
- Brown, Jeanie: The Three P's at Valley Farm 3~6
- Brown, Pamela (article) 10~3; 1~8, Golden
Pavements 19~19, The Swish of the Curtain 11~19
- Bruce, Dorita Fairlie (article) 6~16; 1~3,
12, 17, 2~18, 22, 3~3, 4~17, 5~18,
6~10, 20, 7~11, 14, 26, 8~16, 23, 9~9,
14, 25, 10~19, 21, 26, 11~12, 21, 27, 12~25,
13~5, 10, 16, 14~14, 16~28, 17~17,
19~12, 33, Dimsie Carries On 6~20, Dimsie
Grows Up 11~29, Dimsie Moves Up Again 12~32,
14~17, The New House at Springdale CS~94,
Nancy series (inc bib) 15~13, St Bride's series 13~32,
15~39, The Bartle Bequest 13~16, 17~10
- Bruce, Mary Grant - Robin 7~14
- Buchan, John 8~10
- Buckeridge, Antony 3~21, 13~22, 17~39,
18~7, Jennings Goes to School 20~28
- Buddee, Paul 13~17, 14~20, 16~23,
Ann Rankin and the Lost Valley 12~21
- Bullen, Anne 7~36
- Bunty 13~19
- Burke (publishers) 16~38
- Burnett, Frances Hodgson - A Little Princess 16~32,
33, The Lost Prince 10~17, 18, The Secret Garden 8~10,
- Burrage, A M - Poor Dear Esme (article) 16~34; 17~14,
31, 32
- Byron 8~11
- Cadogan, Mary - And Then Their Hearts Stood Still
(review) 13~23, Chin Up Chest Out Jemima! (review)
1~16, The William Companion 3~21, The Woman
behind William: A Life of Richmal Crompton 9~30,
(review) 12~35
- Caldwell, Patricia - Strangers at Vivians 20~38
- Calling All Antonia Forest Fans... Jenny Overton's family
stories (article: Kate Addison) 18~26
- Cambridge University 11~32, 34
- Camp fire 7~13, 9~19, 11~17
- Cannan, Joanna 7~38, 19~37
- Capon, Naomi - Dancers of Tomorrow 14~21
- Carey, Rosa Nouchette 5~20, 27, CS~68
- Carnegie Medal 9~15, 17
- Carr, Judith - Penelope's Prefects 19~8,
Scholarship Sue CS~87~8
- Carroll, Lewis- Through the Looking Glass 17~37
- Cartmell, Esme, Rescue at Ravensdale 4~11, 13~18
- Cassell (publishers) 19~9~10
- Castaway Choice (article: Mo Everett) 20~14
- Catherall, Arthur 2~25
- Caudwell, Sarah - The Sirens Sang of Murder 13~2
- Cautionary Tale (article) 13~40
- Centenary Term at Malory Towers (article: Kay Clifford) 13~20
- Chalet Corner News (article: Kate Tyler) 19~20
- Chalet Girls' Picnic (song: Kate Addison) 12~15
- Chalet School Books ~ see Brent~Dyer, Elinor M
- Chalet School Country (article: Cicely Spence) 7~28~29
- Chambers (publishers) 19~10~11, 20~30
- Changes in the Chalet School (article: Belinda Copson) 4~24~25
- Channel, A R - The Forgotten Patrol 12~33 see
also Catherall, Arthur
- Channon, E M 8~25, 10~21, 11~22;
articles, inc bib 13~4~7, 14~31~34
- Chappell, Jennie - The Mystery of Kittie Bay 12~20
- Chappell, Mollie - Sugar and Spice 15~35
- Charity Shops: An Appreciation (article: Julia Haigh) 19~33
- Charlotte Sometimes & After (article: Sheila Ray) 9~15
- Charlotte Sometimes: A Postscript (article: Sheila Ray) 10~22
- Chatwyn, Alys 19~26, 20~30
- Chaundler, Christine 8~30, 11~22, 14~10,
17~6, The Chivalrous Fifth 10~20, CS~86~7,
The Games Captain CS~96, Jill the Outsider CS~90~91,
The New Girl at Pen~y~Gant 12~20, Sally Sticks it
Out CS~88
- Cheltenham Ladies' College 13~4, 16~32
- Chester, Tessa Rose
- Children's Books Research: A Practical Guide to
Techniques and Sources 5~12
- Sources of Information about Children's Books 5~12
- Children's Hour 10~3, 13~16
- Children's Literature Abstracts 12~35
- Christian, Catherine, The Big Test 11~18, The
Pharoah's Secret 15~36, The Sword and the Flame 11~18,
The Pendragon 11~18, Wild Swans series 11~16~18
- Christie, Agatha 14~6, 18, 18~9
- Christmas Wouldnt be Christmas Without Books
(article: Jenny Balston) CS~3~10
- Church Times 14~23
- Class 1c Detection (article) 14~35
- Classical School Stories (article: Cynthia Roques) 17~28
- Clever, J - The Greyminster Mystery 10~33
- Cliff Richard 16~8
- Coggin, Joan ~ see Lloyd, Joanna
- Colenso, John William - Arithmetic for Schools 9~36
- Collins Magazine 4~18
- Collins Schoolgirls' Annual 17~8
- Comas, Crises and Childbirth: Jo Bettany and her health
(article: Fen Crosbie) 15~26~28; 16~25
- Confessions of a (very) Amateur Collector (article: Kait
Bessing) 11~12
- Connel Ferry & The House of the Glimmering Light
(article: Alison Lindsay) 18~33
- Constance White and her Books (article, inc bib: Sue
Sims) 16~14~17
- Coolidge, Susan (article: Sheila Ray) 20~3~8, 8~10,
- Corbalis, Judy - The Wrestling Princess 9~37,
Coronation Street 16~8
- Couch, Mabel Quiller 19~28
- Courtney, Gwendoline 17~35, 18~21
- Courtship 11~27~29
- Cresswell, Helen- The Bagthorpe Saga 8~34,
Bagthorpes United 19~19
- Crompton, Richmal 1~5, 4~17, 7~25, 17~14,
17;(review of biography) 12~35, William series 3~21,
6~18, 9~22, 30, 13~11
- Cross, John Kier 10~3, 12~21
- A Crowded Term for the Only Day~Girl (article: Mabel
Esther Allan) 7~30
- Cruse, Amy - The Victorians and their Books 20~5
- Crusoe Magazine 17~14
- Cummings, Primrose (article, inc bib: Jenny Balston) 19~36;
- Dailey, Janet - The Ivory Cane 12~20
- Dale, Judith - Shirley Flight books 18~17
- The Dalesman 6~19
- Darch, Winifred (article) 9~3 & (inc bib) 10~12;
1~4, 3~5, 6~4, 10, 8~7, 30, 10~26,
11~21, 17~6, 18~4, 19~12,
Heather at the High School CS~93~4,
- Darling, Frances C, Article on Susan Coolidge in The
Hewins Lectures 1947-1962 20~8
- Day School at Loughborough (article: Geraldine Hogg) 13~25
- de Foubert, E M - For the Sake of Shirley 16~12 -
Queen of the School CS~94
- de Labedat, Monique - The Village That Slept 4~20
- Dell, Draycott M 17~15
- Dennison, Dorothy - (article, inc selected bib) 17~20~21
- Desert Island Books (article: Fen Crosbie) 14~14~15
- Desert Island Books (single choices): Experience by
Catherine Cotton (article: Monica Godfrey) 2~6,
Mary Todd's Last Term by Frances Greenwood, (article: Eva
Löfgren) 11~30, Rescue in Ravensdale by Esme
Cartmell, (article: Susan Chambers) 4~11
- Dickens, Charles 11~7
- Digby, Anne (interview: Hilary Clare) 13~38~39; 6~20,
9~18, CS~92~3, Fifth Year Friendships at
Trebizon CS~88, Secret Letters at Trebizon
(review) 8~18, The Unforgettable Fifth at Trebizon
(review) 12~18
- Dimmock, F Haydn 13~16
- Dimsie ~ see Bruce, Dorita Fairlie
- Disabilities 11~13~14, 13~15~16, 32~35, 14~18,
- Disher, Margaret - Growing Up with Just William 3~21
- Doctors 11~29, 13~12
- Doorly, Eleanor 12~3
- Dore Boylston, Helen ~ see Boylston, Helen Dore
- Double~sided dustwrappers 2~13, 5~18, 6~20
- Douglas, H - The Story of the World in Pictures 10~33
- Dream Hero: Monica Edwards' Real Characters (article:
Jill Goulder) 18~31
- Ducat, E 7~36
- Duff, Douglas C - Peril on the Amazon 17~33
- Dunlop, Eileen - A Flute in Mayferry Street 14~14
- Dunnett, Dorothy - House of Niccolo sequence 13~15,
Dust Jackets: A Heretical Approach (article: Pamela
McDowall) 13~26
- Dyer, Carolyn Stewart & Nancy Tillman Romalov (eds)
Rediscovering Nancy Drew (review) 17~40, Dynasty 14~15
- Eager, Edward - The Time Garden 20~15
- Eagle 15~10
- Eastways, W W/W E 20~32
- Eat Your Heart Out! (article: various) 6~18
- Edinburgh Emigrants: the Scottish Ancestors of
L.M.Montgomery (article: Alison Lindsay) 20~42~43
- The Editors Advise (article) 4~27~28
- Edwards, Lionel (illustrator) 7~36, 38
- Edwards, Monica (article, inc bib) 7~20; 6~33,
7~14, 16, 35, 9~11, 37, 11~9, 15~22,
23, 35, 16~36, 17~32, 18~31, 19~21;
20~28~9, A Wind is Blowing 16~9, The Spirit
of Punchbowl Farm 14~15
- Elder, Josephine (article, inc bib) 11~31; 6~10,
8~30, 11~21, 13~13, 18~4, 19~10,
The Scholarship Girl CS~88~9
- Elder or Better: the Secret Life of a Woman Doctor
(article, inc bib: Hilary Clare) 11~31~35
- Elias, Edith M - Deanholme 8~30
- Elizabeth, I Crown You Queen of Dornia: Coronations in
the Ruritanian Novel (article: Eva Löfgren) 10~17
- Ellison, Lynne - The Green Bronze Mirror 3~13
- Emley, Vicki (illustrator) 4~4, The Encyclopaedia
of School Stories 15~2, English Joint Fiction
Reserves ~ The Hidden Crisis (article: Susan Chambers) 6~14~15
- Enright, Elizabeth, The Four~Storey Mistake CS~62
- Estoril, Jean ~ see Allan, Mabel Esther
- Eton 13~5
- Evangelistic fiction (article) 17~20
- Everett Green, E 5~20, The Freedom of Fenella 14~8,
Exploring Monica Edwards Country (article: Sue Biggs) 16~36
- Eyre, Elizabeth ~ see Storey, Margaret &
Staynes, Jill
- The Family Medical Encyclopedia 15~26
- Fancying Nancy (article: Dennis Bird) 15~13~16
- Farmer, Penelope 9~15
- Farrar, Ernest 14~15
- Farther Down the Path (article: Kate Kirman) 3~16
- Favourite School Stories: Deanholme (article: Jenny
Balston) 8~30
- The Fenella Appeal 13~9, 14~10, 14~17,
- Ferguson, Ruby 7~14, 35, 8~14, 11~2,
- Feuvre, Amy le CS~70, Probable Sons 14~5
- Fielding, Sarah - The Governess 15~37
- Fine, Anne 9~17
- Finlay, Winifred, Summer of the Golden Stag 13~15
- Fireman Sam 14~30
- First Editions: 14~3~6, 16~37, 19~9
- First Editions: part 3 (article: Sue Sims) 19~9
- First Editions: Second Impression (article: Sue Sims) 16~37
- First For Knowledge (article: Sue Sims) 14~3~6
- Fisher, Claude - The World Jamboree 1929 at Arrow Park 13~16
- Fitch Perkins, Lucy 12~3
- Fitzroy, Olivia 19~22
- Fleming, Rhoda ~ see Fleming, Ronald
- Fleming, Ronald 17~15
- Flinders, Evelyn (illustrator) 6~20, 7~24
- Flynn, Errol 14~15
- The Folly Bazaar 12~36
- Folly Follow~up (article: Stella Waring) 11~15
- Folly, illustrations in 11~21
- For the Sake of Shirley (article: Sarah Burn) 16~12
- Forest, Antonia (article) 8~3; (interview: Sue
Sims) 15~3; 1~4, 5~22, 6~3,
20, 33, 7~15, 8~23, 9~15, 24, 10~19,
21, 13~10, 13, 14~2, 15~24, 18~7,
16, 26, 19~5, 28, The Attic Term 2~9, The
Cricket Term 20~16, Falconer's Lure 16~21, 18~27,
The Marlows and the Traitor 12~22, Peter's Room 16~9,
The Ready-Made Family 20~2, The Thuggery Affair 12~22,
Forester, C S The Happy Return 15~4
- Foster, Shirley & Judy Simons - What Katy Read:
Feminist Re~Readings of 'Classic' Stories for Girls
(review) 17~40, The Fourth Form at St
Grizzlys (story: Bill Read) CS~30~60
- Fox, Cecily
- That New Girl Anna 9~29, 10~18
- Franzen, Nils Olaf - Agaton Sax books 18~17
- Fraser, Cicely 20~32
- Frazer, Renee ~ see Fleming, Ronald
- Freeman, Terence (illustrator) 14~18
- From the Chaletgate Files (article: Kay Clifford) 11~25
- Frye, Northrop - Anatomy of Criticism 9~9
- A Future Collectible? K M Peyton (article: Sheila Ray) 5~17
- Gardam, Jane A Long Way from Verona 9~15
- Gardner, Dorothy - English Girlhood at School ~ a Study
of Women's Eduction through 12 Centuries 10~2
- Garnett, Eve - The Family from One End Street 12~6,
- Garrard, Phillis - Nancy, Canadian Schoolgirl 18~22
- Gaskell, Valerie (illustrator) 7~24
- Gaunt, Mary - The Pluck of Phoebe Plain CS~67~8
- Gegan, Phyllis 4~21, 5~19
- The Gem 7~23
- Gentleman, David 14~17 - Fenella in Spain 13~9
- Gentlemen's Daughters (article: Jenny Balston) 12~11
- Geras, Adele 9~17, 12~18
- Gervaise, Mary 14~8, 19~27 - Joan Finds a
Way 10~33
- Gibbs, May - Snugglepot and Cuddlepie 17~17
- Gillespie, Jane 6~1
- Gilmour, Patience ~ see Catherine Christian
- Girl 1~15, 2~17, 4~13, 8~20, 11~20
- Girl Annual 1953~1964 (article) 1~7
- The Girl Guide 11~16, 19~37
- Girls' Book of Heroines 10~33
- The Girls' Budget 17~8
- Girls' Crystal 1~15, 2~17, 4~13, 21,
6~20, 7~24, 8~10, 17~14
- Girls' Favourite 4~13
- The Girl's Own Annual 1~13, 6~19, 11~36
- The Girl's Own Paper (article: Eileen Cheshire) 5~28
(article: E Honor Ward) CS~63~73; 3~13, 6~20,
- Girvin, Brenda - The Mysterious Twins 19~9, The
Glasgow University Magazine 11~4
- Glidewell, Peter 9~18
- Going, Going, Didn't Get! (article: John Tipper) 16~11
- Going, Going ~ Got! (article: Kay Bird) 14~7
- The Golden Annual for Girls 15~36, 17~14
- Golden Gorse ~ see Wace, Muriel
- The Golden Magazine (later The Golden West) 17~14
- Gothard, Eve ~ see Biggs, Margaret
- Goudge, Elizabeth - The Little White Horse 19~18, 20~15
- Grahame, Kenneth - The Wind in the Willows 10~33
- Grant, Elizabeth (illustrator) 18~26- The Great
Book for Girls 13~19
- Greenwood, Frances - Mary Todd's Last Term 11~30
- Grey, Janet (Daisy White) 8~20, 12~21, 17~35
- Grey, Judith (article, inc bib) 10~30
- The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 7~14
- Groom, Olive L 15~35
- Growing Point 9~16, 13~17
- The Guardian 11~36
- The Guardian Award 9~16, 17
- Guide stories 7~18, 9~28, 10~14, 11~9
- Guthrie, Eve (illustrator) 4~5
- Haggard, Rider 19~23
- Haig, Charles CS~73
- Hamilton, Charles 6~27, 7~23, 13~22,
- The Happy Magazine 3~21, 9~30, 17~14
- Hardy, Thomas 12~4
- Harris, Catherine, The Ponies of Cuckoo Mill Farm CS~8~10
- Harris, Mary K 13~10, 19~5
- Hastings, Valerie 19~22
- Hatch, Richard W 12~3
- Haverfield, E L 14~11, 19~26
- Hay, Ian A Knight on Wheels 12~20
- The Hay~on~Wye Horror (story: Carolyn Denman) CS~29~30
- Hayter, Alethea - Charlotte Yonge (review) 20~40
- Heiress 6~20
- Henry, Thomas (illustrator) 3~21, 9~30
- Hertzberg, Francis ~ see Little Chief Wily~Feather
- Heyer, Georgette 18~10 - The Transformation of
Philip Jettan 16~24
- High Jinks and Heresy: Schoolgirls and Charlotte Mary
Yonge (article: Hilary Clare) 9~33
- Hilary's Not So Baffling Books (article: Hilary Clare) 19~40
- Hill, Lorna (article: Clarissa Cridland) 4~3; 3~22,
4~20, 7~35, 15~22, Jane Leaves the
Wells 11~36
- Hogg, Garry - Cross Channel Quest (and possible sequel) 14~17
- Holm, Anne - I am David 20~14
- Holt, Hazel 9~25
- Holt, Iris ~ see Pearce, C L St John
- Home Magazine 9~30
- A Honeymoon in Dunwich (article: Eileen Cheshire) 9~8
- Hooper, Mary 9~18, CS~92
- Hope, Anthony 8~10
- Hope, Laura Lee - Bobsey Twins books 11~9
- Hope~Simpson, Jacynth - Escape to the Castle 12~21,
A Hopeless Collector (article: Clarissa Cridland) 9~22
- Hough, Charlotte 7~37
- How Book Dependent Are You? (article: Belinda Copson
& Sue Sims) 2~3
- Howatch, Susan - Scandalous Risks 7~29
- Howitt, Mary - Twelve Months with Frederika Bremner 20~7
- Hughes, Fielden (G F) - Bill Holmes Books 14~20
- Hughes, Molly 16~33
- Hughes, William Llewellyn see Walters, Hugh 13~17
- Humphries, Helen S 17~21
- Hunt, Peter (ed) Children's Literature: an Illustrated
History (review) 16~28
- Hurt, Freda M 18~20 I dreamed a dream (poem: Fen
Crosbie) 11~14
- I~spy series 12~35
- If (poem: Hilary Clare) 18~12
- In Search of the Unsought Farm (article: Sue Biggs) 9~11
- In the Bodleian Stacks at Nuneham Courtenay (poem) 9~29
- Inchfawn, Fay CS~73
- Inglesant, Joan ~ see Dell, Draycott M
- Insurance 5~18, 6~19
- International Research Society of Children's Literature 17~9
- IRSCL Congress in Stockholm (article: Eva Löfgren) 17~9
- Irwin, Margaret 8~10
- Island Idyll (article: Bev Martin) 16~8
- Jacberns, Raymond 19~10
- Jakobsson, Winifred Mary: see Norling, Winifred
- Jam Tomorrow (article: Sarah Burns) 17~37
- James, Grace 19~28
- James, Henry 15~30
- James, P D 1~6
- Jane Shaw's Paris (article: Alison Lindsay) 19~35
- Jerome, Jerome K 14~15
- Jill and the Euro~Ponies (story: Kate Tyler) CS~75~80
- Joans 10~20~21
- Johns, Capt W E 2~7, 26, 4~17, 7~14,
8~10, 12~32, 17~17, Biggles series 9~22,
37, 11~9, 23, 16~11, 17~ 31, Worrals
series 6~20, CS~72
- Jones, Eric 12~6
- Jones, Harold (illustrator) 12~6
- Journal of a Frustrated Collector (article: Sue Sims) 10~23
- Judith ~ The Other Grey (article: Kate Addison) 10~30~32
- June 2~17
- The Junior Fiction Reserves: Update (article: Susan
Chambers) 8~19
- Keats 8~11
- Keene, Carolyn - Nancy Drew series 17~40
- Keith, Leslie - A Scots Thistle CS~67
- Kennedy, Richard (illustrator) 4~18
- Kennemore, Tim (bib) 9~26
- Kindred Spirits of P E I (article) 7~19
- Kinlock, Lucy - A World Within a School (article: Jenny
Balston) 10~8, 11~19, 14~10, 17~18
- Kipling, Rudyard 11~17, 15~6, 18~12
- Kirkham, Reginald 17~15
- Klickman, Flora CS~64,71
- Knowles, Gaye 4~21, 6~22, The Lady 6~19
- Laidler, Tom (illustrator) 7~23
- L'Amour, Louis Kilkenny 15~33
- Lamb, Charles & Mary - Mrs Lester's School 15~38
- Lamb, Ruth CS~68~9
- Lambert, Angela - No Talking After Lights (review) 12~24
- Lances, literary 14~17
- Lane, Naunton ~ see Nancy Moss
- Langley, Peter ~ see Fleming, Ronald
- Larkin, Philip 11~36
- Lelland, Frank ~ see Burrage, A M
- Leveson~Gower, Margaret - Chuckles: the story of a small
boy 11~22, 13~16
- Lewis, C S - The Silver Chair 14~15, The Last
Battle 20~15
- Libraries: A Reader's Guide (article: Sue Sims) 4~12
- Libraries ~ the sequel (article: Sue Sims) 5~12
- Library date labels 13~18
- Linde, Freda - The Singing Grass 14~17
- Lindgern, Astrid - Pippi Longstocking 17~9
- The Listener 9~30
- The Literal Brent~Dyer (article: Sue & Janet Sims) 13~20
- Little Chief Wily~Feather - The Enduring Game: An
I~spyclopaedia 1948~1993 (review) 12~35
- Little Folks 19~28, 37
- Little, Sylvia 1~8, 17~35
- Lloyd, Joanna (article: Hilary Clare) 19~2~7; 10~19,
21, Audrey ~ a New Girl 17~31, Jane Runs Away from
School 20~29
- Lloyd, Marjorie 14~21, 15~34
- Lloyd, Stanley (illustrator) 7~37, 38, 19~38
- Loch Lomond & "The Crew of the
Belinda"(article: Alison Lindsay) 12~16
- Löfgren, Eva - Schoolmates of the Long Ago (review) 9~8;
- Lofting, Hugh 12~3
- Lone Pine Pilgrimage: The Malcolm Saville Society Rye
Weekend, April 1995 (article: Alison Lindsay) 15~29~30
- A Long, Long Way from EBD (article: Fen Crosbie) 12~24
- Lowe, John Livingstone - The Road to Xanadu 15~7
- The Loughborough Day School (article: Geraldine Hogg) 19~12
- Lovett, Margaret 8~22, 9~26, 10~28, 20~30,
An Adventure for Fivepence 20~30, Family Pie 19~26,
No Other Children 20~30
- Lunt, Alice 10~21
- Lurid Louisa (article: Janet Stow) 20~16
- Lyon, Elinor (article: Bev Martin) 15~22~25; 16~21,
The Golden Shore 16~9
- MacBride, Roger Lea
- Little House on Rocky Ridge (review) 13~24
- McClelland, Helen - Behind the Chalet School (2nd ed)
(review) 18~29, The Chalet School Companion 14~19,
Elinor M Brent~Dyer's Chalet School (review) 1~10,
Visitors for the Chalet School (review) 15~18
- McConnell, J E (illustrator) 8~13
- Macdonald, George, At the Back of the North Wind 3~12
- MacDonald, Ruth K - Article on Susan Coolidge in
Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 42 20~8
- Mackenzie, Kathleen 7~35
- Mack, Edward - Public Schools and British Opinion 12~11
- Mackay, Shena, The Laughing Academy 11~26
- McKeag, Ernest 7~3, 17~15
- McKeay, Eileen ~ see McKeag, Ernest
- McKenna, Frank (illustrator) 14~21
- McLaine, Kathleen 17~21
- Macleod, K M 17~20, 21
- McSwigan, Marie, All Aboard for Freedom 13~15
- M'Whor, A (illustrator) 16~12
- Magnet 7~23, 17~15
- Magorian, Michelle 9~16, Back Home 16~10,
Mainly About Nancy, (article: Sue Sims) 7~3 & 8~25
- Mais, S P B 8~10
- Mallory, Clare (article, inc bib: various) 6~28~30,
(article: Barbara Robertson) 18~10~12, Juliet
Overseas 11~31
- Malory, Le Morte d'Arthur 11~17
- Malory Towers (articles: David Rudd) 19~13~17, 20~33~37
- Mansergh, Jessie see Vaizey, Mrs George de Horne
- Marchant, Bessie 3~3, 7~14 - Millicent
Gwent, Schoolgirl CS~83
- Marlow, Christabel - Shirley at Charterton 12~21
- Marlow, Hilary ~ see Kirkham, Reginald
- Martin, Dahris Butterworth 19~28
- Martyn, Harriet 9~16
- Masefield, John - The Box of Delights 13~16
- Mason, Stanley Weston 15~36
- Masterman, Margaret - Gentlemen's Daughters 12~11,
14~10, Mastermind 5~1, 15~10
- Matilda ~ Who Told a Lie and Lost a Fortune (poem:
Belinda Copson & Sue Sims) 2~23
- Matthewman, Phyllis 6~16, 20, 11~12, 24, 20~29,
Chloe Takes Control CS~89~90, The Queerness of
Rusty CS~95, The Turbulence of Tony 6~3
- Mayne, William - A Swarm in May 13~18, 20~15,
The Cathedral Quartet (article) 14~27~28
- Meade, L T 14~11, 16~32, 18~4, 19~10,
- A Meeting with Gretchen Breary (article: Jenny Balston) 9~12
- Melbourne, Ida ~ see Ransome, L E
- Melling and Afterwards: The Work of Margaret Biggs
(article: Belinda Copson) 6~12~13
- Methley, V M, Fourteen Fourteens 20~13, The Queer
Island 10~33, Thirteen Elizabeths 20~13
- Middlehurst, F W (illustrator) 14~20
- Midford, Nancy, The Pursuit of Love 13~3
- Mills & Boon 17~33
- Milne, A A 9~22 - The House at Pooh Corner 18~17,
Winnie the Pooh 17~17
- Mitchell Library Children's Collection 15~31
- Mockler, Geraldine - Two Children in Black 12~20
- Modern Boy 17~14
- Modern Woman 9~30
- Molesworth, Mrs - The Carved Lions 16~31, 33
- Monckton, Ella - The Gates Family 19~18
- Montgomery, L M 2~22, 6~22, 7~19, 8~10,
21, 9~8, 18~16, 19~12, 22, Anne of
Green Gables 13~10, 16~21, 20~31~2,
Emily of New Moon 13~10, 16~9, 20~42~43
- The Monthly Packet 9~33
- The Months of the Year: A Quizzical Calendar (quiz:
Hilary Clare) CS~11~14
- Montefiore, Jan - article in Textuality and Sexuality:
Reading Theories and Practices 20~34
- Moody, Peggy 7~14
- Moore, Dorothea 9~29, Fen's First Term 13~9,
Head of the Lower School CS~85~6, Her Schoolgirl
Majesty 10~18, Judy, Patrol Leader 1~11, 3~8,
9~28, 10~24, 17~30, 18~18, CS~18~20,
The Only Day~girl (article) 7~30; 11~13,
The New Girl at Pen~y~Gant 12~20, Terry the Girl
Guide 3~8, 20~28, Wantedan English
Girl (article) 3~7, The Wrenford Tradition CS~95,
Z House 14~10
- Morgan, Charles 8~11
- Morin, Maud 9~27
- Morrow, George 13~16
- Morton, H V - The Pageant of the Century 10~33
- Moss, Nancy (also Robert or Roberta) (article) 6~33;
(bib) 7~18; 7~17, 8~20, 10~30
- Mossop, Irene - Play Up, Pine House CS~92
- Marmie Muhlenkamp ~ see Christian, Catherine
- Muir, Lynette - The Girls of St Cyr (review) 16~29
- My First Book Fair (article: Gill Bilski) 6~31
- Name of a Name! (article: Kay Whalley) 20~9~11
- The National
Debt(article: Barry Macilroy) 8~16
- National Library 11~8
- Needham, Violet 1~4, 2~22, 4~17, 8~9,
The Black Riders 13~10, Pandora of Parrham Royal 20~14,
The Woods of Windri 14~15
- Nelson, Gertrude ~ see Bobin, John W
- Nesbit, E 8~10, 14~14, 18~9, 19~25,
Five Children and It 19~19
- New Artist at the Chalet School (article: Kate Tyler) 17~24
- The New Zealand Girl's Annual 7~14
- Niall, Brenda Seven Little Billabongs ~ the World of
Ethel Turner and Mary Grant Bruce 7~39
- No Problem Party (article: Patricia Turner) 13~10~11
- Norling, Winifred 7~18, 15~34, 19~21
(article inc bib: Hilary Clare) 18~3~6
- North London Collegiate School 16~32, 33
- Norton, Andre 11~22, 12~20
- Norton, Isabel ~ see Kirkham, Reginald
- Not Kicking the Habit: The Life Story of a Book Addict
(article: Jane Read) 9~37
- A~Not~Quite~Abbey~Champion (article: Irene Moll) 15~10
- Not So Awful: In Defence of "Wanted, an English
Girl" (article: Lance Salway) 3~7
- OBrien, Edna - The Country Girls CS~82
- O'Hanlon, Mark The Complete Lone Pine (review) 19~31
- Old Faithfuls (article: Sue Sims) 1~12
- Oldham, Mary Something's Burning (review) 19~31
- Oldmeadow, Katharine (article) 5~2; 17~32,
Princess Anne 11~9, A Strange Adventure 10~33
- Oliver, M M 7~36~37
- Oman, Carola 8~10, On Being an Editor (article:
Monica Godfrey) 3~17
- One Day It Will Be Told(article: Sue Sims) 13~36
- One Good Tiern Deserves Another (poem) 9~32
- The Opie Collection(article: Sheila Ray) 15~8~10; 14~6
- Orczy, Baroness 8~10
- Orwell, George 19~28
- Our Contemporaries: "The Cliff House Weekly"
(article: Winifred Darch) 8~7
- Over the Top and Off the Cliff Edge (article: Kate
Addison) 6~33~35
- Overton, Jenny 18~26
- Owsley, Sybil B 2~19
- Oxenham, Elsie J (article) 9~19; 1~12, 17, 2~8,
18, 22, 3~14, 4~17, 5~5, 6~10,
18, 28, 7~11, 14, 26, 8~15, 16, 9~14,
21, 28, 37, 10~19, 20, 21, 34~36, 11~19,
21, 27, 13~5, 13, 14~10, 14, 15~15, 16~12,
33, 17~6, 16, 17, 18~16, 19~10, 12,
33, Adventure for Two 6~20, Biddy's Secret 11~28,
15, Maid of the Abbey 11~29, The Abbey Girls Win
Through 11~27~28, The Crisis at Camp Keema 10~23,
14~7, 16~40
- Two Queens at the Abbey 11~28, The Oxford
Companion to Children's Literature 14~5
- Page, J M 18~22
- Palgraves Golden Treasury 8~11
- Pardoe, M - Bunkle Butts In 8~9, The Far Island 6~18,
- Parkin, Dorothy M - The Rivals of Maidenhurst 4~23;
- Parry, David, - The Feasibility of a Central Reserve for
Junior Fiction (review) 8~19, The Password is
Silver Snaffles (article: Jenny Balston) 19~36
- Patrick, Jean Bell Shaw see Shaw, Jane
- Paull, M A We Girls CS~20~23
- Pauls Baffling Books (article: Paul Sims) 20~44
- Pearce, C L St John 17~15
- Peel, John CS~82
- Pen Portraits (article) 2~7 & 3~3
- "Penny Foolish" and Arran
- (article: Alison Lindsay) 16~18
- Peters, Charles CS~63~5
- Peters, Ellis - The Piper on the Mountain 13~15
- Peyton, K M (article, inc bib) 5~16; 7~15, 9~14,
The Last Ditch 13~14
- Phenomenally Nominal (song: Sue Sims) 19~32, 20~2
- Phillips, Horace 7~23, 17~15
- Phillips, Joy ~ see Phillips, Horace
- Phillips, Marjorie 16~22
- Pilgrim's Progress (article: Colin & Sheila Ray) 2~20
- Pilling, Ann
- The Big Pink 9~16
- The Pleasure Book for Girls 13~19
- Ponies, Ponies All the Way (article: Clarissa Cridland) 7~35
& 8~12
- Pony books 7~35~38, 8~12~15, 9~37, 12~32,
- The Popular Book for Girls 10~33
- Porter, Gene Stratton 19~12 - The Keeper of the
Bees 13~18
- Postman Pat 12~31, 14~29
- Potter, Beatrix CS~3
- Potter, Dora Joan - Wendy series 6~19, With Wendy
at Winterton School CS~24~26
- Potter, Dr Olive Gwendoline ~ see Elder, Josephine
- Prescott, Christopher, The Hidden River 15~36, A
Pride of Lyons: the books of Elinor Lyon (article: Bev
Martin) 15~22, A Problem for the Chalet Collector
(article: Jane Sandell) 9~14, Problem Parent
(article: Roz & Cynthia Roques) 12~31
- Publish and be ...(article: Clarissa Cridland) 2~25
& 3~21
- Pullein~Thompson sisters 7~38, 8~12~13, 19~37,
- Pye, Virginia (article, inc bib: Kate Kirman) 4~18;
(obituary) 12~23; 6~22
- Queens Greatest Hits 20~15
- The Quest of the Wild Swans (article: Stella Waring) 11~16~18
- Quills (article: Barbara Robertson) 18~10
- Quizzes (and answers) 4~7, 19, 5~8, 6~5,
25, 30, 7~8, 34, 11~35, 12~8, 33, 13~8,
CS~11~14, 98; 61~62, 98; 74, 80, 98
- A Quizzical Calendar (quiz: Hilary Clare) CS~11~14
- Radford~Evans, J - The Hoax of a Lifetime 8~24
- Rae, Daphne (article) 17~18~19
- Ragged Robin Began It (article: Mabel Esther Allan) 5~2~5
- Ransome, Arthur 8~10, 12~3, 4, 5, 13~10,
15~22, 24, 18~9, 17, 19~18, Swallows
and Amazons 12~ 4, We Didnt Mean to Go to
Sea 20~15
- Ransome, L E 1~8, 12, 6~20, 7~23
- Raskols and Rarities (article: Barbara Robertson) 17~16
- Raverat, Gwen (illustrator) 4~18
- Ray, Sheila - Children's Fiction: A Handbook for
Librarians 13~17, Essay in The Chalet School
Revisited 20~22
- Read, Bill - The Fourth Form at St Grizzlys CS~30~60
- Read On At Your Peril (article: Sue Sims) 1~3
- The Real Thing: Winifred Darch and her books (article:
Sue Sims) 9~3 & (inc bib) 10~12
- Redlich, Monica (article inc bib: Sheila Ray) 6~23;(article:
Sarah Burns) 17~37; 6~21
- Redmond, Phil 13~22
- Rees, Jean 17~21
- Rendell, Ruth - Lake of Darkness 14~15
- The Renier Collection (article: Sue Sims) 6~8
- Reviews:And Then Their Hearts Stood Still 13~23
(HC), Behind The Chalet School (2nd ed) 18~29
(SS), Bookworm Droppings 8~33 (SS), The Chalet
School Revisited 15~17 (MC), Charlotte Yonge 20~40
(HC), Children's Literature: An Illustrated History 16~28
(JB), Childrens Literature in the 1890s and the
1990s 20~40 (SS), Chiltern School 2~16
(SS), Chin Up Chest Out Jemima! 1~16 (SS), The
Complete Lone Pine 19~31 (SB), The Country House
at War 8~6 (CC), Elinor M Brent~Dyer's Chalet
School 1~10 (SS), The Famous Five: Guide to
Characters 17~38 (SS), Five on a Treasure Island
(video) 11~18 (CC), The Girl in the Blue Tunic 20~41
(SS), The Girls of St Cyr 16~29 (SS), The Girl's
Own Guide 6~32 (BC), Has Anyone Seen This Girl? 20~41
(SS), The Hidden Staircase: A Nancy Drew Mystery 17~40
(AL), Jean of Storms 19~30 (SS), The Jennings
Companion 17~39 (RR), Little House on Rocky Ridge 13~24
(AL), The Maniac's Guide to Biggles 11~23 (CC), No
Talking After Lights 12~24 (FC), Queen Rita at the
High School and Other School Stories 5~21 (SS),
Rediscovering Nancy Drew 17~40 (AL), The Road to
the Isle and Other Places 15~19 (SS), The Romance
and the Reality 12~30 (SS), Schoolmates of the
Long Ago 9~9 (HC), Secret Letters at Trebizon 8~18
(SS), The Silent Three and the Crusader's Sword 6~35
(BC), Six of the Best 13~22 (SS), Something's
Burning 19~31 (SS), The Silent Three Companion 15~19
(BC), The Story of St Stephen's College 12~10
(SS), The Two Head~Girls and other stories 7~39
(SS), The Unforgettable Fifth at Trebizon 12~18
(SS), Visitors for the Chalet School 15~18 (SS),
The Way to Glen Bradan and other Scottish, Welsh and
Irish Stories 9~13 (SS), What Katy Read 17~41
(SS), William ~ The Immortal 9~30 (CC)
- Reynolds, Kimberley - Childrens Literature in the
1890s and the 1990s (review) 20~40~41
- Richards, Hilda (see also Kirkham, Reginald &
Hamilton, Charles), Cliff House School stories 15~18;
- Richards, Frank ~ see Hamilton, Charles
- Richardson, John Martin - The Country House at War
(review) 8~6
- Ridge, Antonia - Cousin Jan 20~14
- Ridiculous book titles 6~7
- The Rime of the Mistress Mariner (poem) 11~10
- Robertson, Stuart CS~72
- Robinson, Charles (illustrator) 16~9
- Roedean 16~32
- Romney Marsh and Punchbowl Farm (article: Belinda Copson)
- A Rose by Any Other Name (article: Hilary Clare) 10~20
- Rothenstein, Sir William 12~6
- Royal Blush (quiz: Lance Salway) 7~8 (answers) 7~34
- Rudd, David - The Famous Five: A Guide to the characters
appearing in Enid Blyton's series (review) 17~38; 20~38
- Rupert Bear CS~3
- Ruritanian novels (article: Eva Löfgren) 10~17
(quiz) 7~8, 7~34; 8~9, 20, 9~29,
10~28, 31
- Ruskin, J - The King of the Golden River 15~32
- Rye (East Sussex) 20~29
- St John, Patricia - Treasures of the Snow 17~21
- St Vincent, Isabel - The Moorings Mystery 14~18
Also see Sterry, Alice
- Salten, Felix - Bambi 12~3
- Sanford, Piers (illustrator) 17~24, 19~20
- Saved from the Wreck (article: Natasha Salton) 19~18
- Saville, Malcolm 9~12, 12~6, 15~22,
24, 29~30, 16~36, 18~25, 19~27, 31,
Christmas at Nettleford CS~10, The Gay Dolphin
Adventure 12~32, Mystery at Witchend CS~10
- Schemerlé, Willy - Bunnikins, CS~3
- Schofield, Jenny - Biggles! The Life Story of Capt W E
Johns 11~23
- A Scholarly Analysis of Certain Writers of Girls' School
Stories (poem: Helen McClelland) 2~6 - Scholarship
Girls and Some Others (article: Polly Goerres) CS~81~97
- School Days 4~13, 6~20
- School Friend (article: Belinda Copson) 1~14; 1~7,
2~17, 4~13, 14, 21, 7~23, 11~20,
13~15, 15~36, 17~14, 15, 19~37
- Schoolgirl 4~13, 6~20, 7~23, 13~3,
- Schoolgirls' Library 13~3
- Schoolgirls' Own 4~13, 7~23, 8~7,
25, 13~3, 15~36, 17~14, 15
- Schoolgirls' Own Annual 10~33
- Schoolgirls' Own Library 4~13, 14, 17~14
- Schoolgirls' Picture Library 4~13
- Schoolgirls' Weekly 4~13, 7~23, 17~14,
- School stories ~ see most of Folly, but esp 9~15,
- A School Story Alphabet (poem) 1~9
- Schutte, David William ~ The Immortal (review) 9~30
- Scotland, School & Susan (article: Alison Lindsay) 11~3~8
- Scott, Sir Walter 11~7 - The Lady of the Lake 10~33
- Scoundrels and Skaters: Thoughts on two Noel Streatfeild
novels (article: Dennis Bird) 20~18~21
- Scouts 12~22, 13~16
- Seaby, Allen 7~36, 19~38 - The Secret Diary
of Lucy Copson aged 9 months (article: Belinda Copson) 11~36
- Seraillier, Ian - The Silver Sword 13~11
- Sewell, Anna - Black Beauty 7~36, CS~4
- Shakespeare, William 8~24, 10~3, 10~16,
14~2, 14, 15~4, 16~7, 17~3, 18~17
- Shaw, Jane (article inc bib: Alison Lindsay) 11~21;
5~19, 6~1, 12~31, 13~12, 19~35,
The Crew of the "Belinda" 12~16, Crooks
Tour 19~35, Highland Holiday 12~19, 13~13,
The House of the Glimmering Light 18~32, The
Moochers 12~32, 9~25, The Moochers and The
Prefects 18~22, Penny Foolish 16~18, 17~32,
Susan series 9~38, 14~24~25, Susan Pulls
the Strings 12~19, 14~24, Susan's Helping
Hand 12~19, Twopence Coloured 19~35
- Shaw, Norah G - Vermilion 10~33
- Shelley 8~11
- Shepard, Ernest H (illustrator) 16~9
- She's Always Got her Head in a Book (article: June
Barraclough) 8~9
- Shields, Leonard (illustrator) 17~15
- Shrewsbury, Mary
- The Secret of the Sea and other stories 12~20
- The Silent Three 1~14, 6~35, 7~24, 11~20;
see also Waters, Marion & Reviews
- Sisson, Rosemary Anne 1~8
- Skoob's Directory of Second~Hand Bookshops 10~23
- Sleigh, Barbara Carbonel 3~13, 14~14
- Sleigh, Linwood 3~13
- Smith, Evelyn (article: Hilary Clare) 5~22
- article, inc bib: Hilary Clare) 16~3~8 & 17~3~8;
6~10, 10~21, 11~21, 16~37, 17~18,
18~4, 18, 19~10, Phyllida in Form III CS~97
- Smythe, Pat 7~14, 8~12, 13
- Smythe, Rowland The Maniacs Guide to the Biggles Books
(review) 11~23
- Snelling, Joan 15~35, Something About The Author 13~17,
The Souls of the Girls of "The Girl's Own
Paper" (article: E Honor Ward) CS~63~73,
Splenetic Splutters, (article: various) 20~12~13
- Spouses ~ a Typological Guide (article: Sue Sims) 3~23
- Spratt, Gladys CS~71
- Stacey, Susanna ~ see Storey, Margaret &
Staynes, Jill
- Stanton, Marjorie ~ see Phillips, Horace
- Staynes, Jill 17~34
- Sterry, Alice, The Moorings Mystery 14~18, 20~12~13,
Stolen Soubriquets (article: Fen Crosbie) 20~22~25
- Stollard, M L 6~19
- Storey, Margaret 16~24, 17~34
- Stranger than Fiction? The Story of a School (article:
Jenny Balston) 14~10~13
- Streatfield, Noel (article: Dennis Bird) 20~18~21,
1~8, 2~25~26, 5~20, 8~10, 16~15,
17~17, 18~16, 19~18, The House in
Cornwall 20~18~19, White Boots 20~19~21
- Strong, L A G 8~10
- Struther, Jan Mrs Miniver 8~35
- Sunny Mag 9~30
- Sutcliff, Rosemary 1~8, 17~17
- Swiss Pilgrimage (article: Beverley Garmston) 9~38
- Talbot, Ethel 7~14, 8~20, 9~28, 14~11,
18~18, 19~10, Jean's Two Schools 14~19,
Patricia, Prefect 5~5, 11~30, The Secret of
the Sea 12~20, Tale or Tract (article: Marjorie
Piotrowsky) 17~20
- Talking Turkey: or, The Descent from Condor Crags
(article: Sue Sims) CS~15~28
- Tammy 1~8
- Teddy Tail CS~3
- Teddytorial (article: Joy Wotton & Shirley Skinner) 18~28
- Templeton, Edith - The Surprise of Cremona 3~14
- The Ten (School) Commandments (article) 17~43
- Terril, Dorothea à Bechet 5~20
- Thackeray, William Makepeace 8~25, The Rose and
The Ring 18~9, Vanity Fair CS~82, The
Theatre Books of Pamela Brown (article: Dennis L Bird) 10~3,
Things Do So Happen to Us: A study of the Lockett Stories
of M E Atkinson (article: Dennis Bird) 11~3~7
- Thomas, Dylan 2~26
- Tiger Tim CS~3
- Times Literary Supplement 16~15
- Tindall, Gillian - Spirit Weddings 7~29
- Tit~Bits 9~30
- To a Canon Starwriter (poem: Fen Crosbie) 15~40
- To Abbey or not to Abbey (article: Tiggy Thomas) 10~34
- To Out or Not to Out (article: Kate Tyler) 5~11
- Tolkein, J R R 1~13, 10~19
- Topsy and Tim 14~19
- Tozer, Katharine - Here Comes Mumfie 19~28
- Treadgold, Mary 12~3, We couldn't leave Dinah 12~7
- Trease, Geoffrey - Change at Maythorn 13~9, The
Hills of Varna 14~14, Missing From Home 9~
26, 10~28, Treasure Trove at Bethnal Green
(article: Sue Sims) 6~8~11
- Tresilian, Stuart (illustrator) 12~7
- Trew, Cecil 19~38
- Tring, A Stephen Barry series 14~20
- A Trip to Wichwood Village (article: Alison Lindsay) 14~24
- The Triumph Book for Girls 13~19
- Triumphs and Disasters (article: various) 2~10, 4~26
- Tropical Library (article: Molly Lofas) 18~16
- Turner, Ethel (article: Susan Hodgson) 7~39; 6~22,
- Turner, Lilian 7~14
- Twain, Mark - The Prince and the Pauper 10~17
- Twinkle 1~8
- Two Chalet Girls in India ~ Some Reflections (article:
Sarah M Burn) 11~27~29
- Tyas, Shaun - Bookworm Droppings & More, Bookworm
Droppings (review) 8~33
- Tyler, Kate - Jill and the Euro~Ponies CS~75~80,
- Uniform Variety quiz 10~11answers 10~19
- Uncle Remus 11~7
- Ure, Jean - Jo in the Middle CS~92, Peter High
series 10~22, The Girl in the Blue Tunic (review) 20~41,
Has Anyone Seen This Girl? (review) 20~41
- Usher, Frances 9~17
- Uttley, Alison - A Traveller in Time 8~10, 14~14,Little
Grey Rabbit CS~3
- Vaizey, Mrs George de Horne 5~20, 26, 6~4, 11~21,
CS~29~30, 68
- Van Stockum, Hilda - Kersti and St Nicholas CS~3~4
- The Vampire Rabbit (article: Fen Crosbie) 13~21
- Varcoe, Beth & David - The Romance and the Reality
(review) 12~30
- Verity, Esme (illustrator) ~ see Emley, Vicky
- Verney, John 19~27
- Vestly, Anne Cath - Hallo, Aurora & sequels 17~33
- Vicary, Dorothy 9~27
- Video Killed the Radio Stars (article: Martin Spence) 7~25
- Vincent, Joan ~ see Kirkham, Reginald
- Vipont, Elfrida 18~7
- von Seydewitz, Baroness Marie Anna Sophie Margarete 18~4
- Wace, Muriel 7~36, 9~24
- Walker, Nicholas - Skating on the Edge 8~23
- Wallace, Kathleen - The Prize Essay 16~9
- Walmsley, Leo 8~10
- Walpole, Hugh 8~10
- Woolsey, Sarah Chauncy ~ see Coolidge, Susan
- Walters, Hugh 12~21, 13~17, 14~20
- War 15~15
- Ward, E Honor - The Girl's Own Guide (review) 6~32
- Wartime Diary (article: Eileen Cheshire) 10~33
- Warne's Pleasure Book for Girls 13~9
- Waters, Marion - The Silent Three Companion (review) 15~19,
The Silent Three and the Crusader's Sword (review) 6~35,
The Silent Three and the Stolen Funds (story) 3~9,
The Silent Three and the Thirteen Clocks 10~10
- Watson, Lily CS~70~71 - The Citizenship of Women CS~70
- Webster, Jean 8~10
- Welch, Ronald - The Clock Stood Still 6~21
- Westerman, Percy F 8~10
- What I did on my Holidays (article: Andrew Duff) 11~9
- What Sarah Did: a Look at the Life and Work of Susan
Coolidge (article: Sheila Ray) 20~3~8
- Whats in a Name (quiz: Zenobia Dickens)
CS~61~2, 98
- Where Did You Come From? (poem: Sue Sims) 3~12
- Where to From Here? (article: Helen McClelland) 10~7
- When Dimsie Crossed the North Sea (article: Eva Löfgren)
- When Lovely Woman Stoops to Folly (poem: Hilary Clare) 14~9
- Wheway, John 7~23
- White, Constance (article: Sue Sims) 16~14~17
- White, Daisy ~ see Grey Janet
- White, Marilyn (illustrator) 3~9, 6~35
- Why I Like the Chalet School Books(article: Harriet
Spence) 7~27
- Why Collect Girls' Books? (article: John Tipper) 7~14
- Whyte, Christina Gowans - The Story Book Girls 15~32
- Wiggin, Kate Douglas 8~10
- Wilcox, Barbara - Bunty Brown, Probationer 5~18
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls 6~22, 7~15, 16~17,
14~21, 18~16, 19~12, 19
- Willard, Barbara - The Famous Rowena Lamont 9~16
- William Mayne: The Cathedral Quartet (article: Belinda
Copson) 14~27
- Williams, Eric 1~13
- Williams, Ursula Moray 1~8, 7~37
- Winifred in Particular (article: Helen Aveling) 13~32~35
- Wodehouse, P G 17~17, 19~8
- Woman's Hour 7~25
- Woman's Own 9~30
- Woman's Realm 6~12
- Women's Institute 11~33, 34
- Wood, Elsie Anna (illustrator) 5~4, 5
- Woodhouse, Barbara 1~8
- Woolf, Virginia 8~11
- Wordsworth 9~29, 16~8
- A World Apart (article: Barry Macilroy) 17~20
- A World Within a School (article: Jenny Balston) 10~8
- Write On (article: Sue Sims) 5~28
- Writing a Girls' School Story ~ The Easy Way (article:
Bill Read) 12~26
- Wynne, May - The Coming of Verity CS~24,
"Peter" the New Girl CS~23~4, The Secret
of Carrock School CS~94~5, The Story of Heather 7~36,
Terry the Black Sheep 10~29
- Wycombe Abbey 16~32, 19~3
- Yonge, Charlotte M 14~17, 15~31, 16~30;
(article: Stella Waring) 13~27~29; on schoolgirls
(article) 9~33; review of monograph on 20~40,
Hopes and Fears 9~34~35, The Pillars of the House 9~33~34,
Young Elizabethan 4~18
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