Mirror page established on CB&M 10th
January, 2005, corrected.
BUT NOT UPDATED SINCE 2005. See the Forum for updated version.
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This first and last guide has been compiled by Jamie
(DCS) and JamaicaLane with the
help of Emony, Governor, Jimsgirl, MikeB, Matthew, Woodworm and Dave W.
Referencing from Sierra Oscar’s Billboard site and the old official Bill
website plus The Bill Bible
(Jan 2003) If a first or last *regular* appearance is known it is indicated in bold. If it is only a guess the episode in question will be surrounded by ????. Footnotes where applicable. Cast listed alphabetically according to rank. |
Chief Supt. Charles Brownlow
First: Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
Last: All Fall Down part I (27/10/00)
# 012 (02/05/02)
Brownlow was posted to Area in Pass the Parcel (28/10/94) and
became more of an occasional guest character, in the vein of
Chief Supt. Mannion today. He returned as operational commander
of Sun Hill in Back in Business (09/02/96)
Supt. Tom Chandler
First: On the Hook part I (03/11/00)
Last: # 053 (16/10/02)
Supt. Adam Okaro
First: # 060 (07/11/02)
Okaro is credited for the first episode of M.I.T (03/05/03)
but did not appear.
Chief Insp. Philip Cato
First: Shock to the System (26/01/93)
Last: Is that the Time? (03/03/95)
Chief Insp. Derek Conway
First: Double Trouble (09/11/87)
Last: # 005 (28/03/02)
Ben Roberts appears uncredited as a background character in
Double Trouble. Considering his character has Chief Insp. pips
its not unreasonable to assume that this is one and the
same person. His first on-screen credited appearance is The Three
Wise Monkeys (21/07/88). Conway applies for the position of
Community Liaison Officer in New Tune, Old Fiddle (12/01/93) and
becomes CLO in Shock to the System (26/01/93). When Brownlow is
transferred to Area, Conway, Cato and Meadows all apply for his
job in Pipped at the Post (04/11/94). Conway is successful and
becomes Acting-Superintendent. When Brownlow returns in Back in
Business (09/02/96) Conway returns to Ops Chief Insp. and no
explanation is given as to what happened to the CLO or Mr
Chief Insp. Paul Stritch
First: Little Green Apples (28/03/95)
Last: Bait (12/10/95)
DCI Frank Burnside
Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers (16/10/84)
Rank of DS
Ringer (06/01/86)
The Chief Superintendents Party (10/02/86)
First: Just Call Me Guvnor (04/08/88) Rank
of DI
Last: Bare Faced Lies (04/09/93)
Cast No Shadow (27/10/98) Rank of DCI
Betrayal (29/10/98)
Strange Bedfellows (11/12/98)
The Personal Touch (18/12/98)
Age of Chivalry (11/02/99)
Sleeping with the Enemy (25/02/99)
To Catch a Cobra (25/03/99)
Piggy in the Middle (01/04/99)
Hot Money (19/10/99)
Cover Stories (16/11/99)
Lock In (09/12/99)
Angel (04/01/00)
Thug on the Tyne part I (11/01/00)
Thug on the Tyne part II (13/01/00)
Spin-off: Burnside (August 2000) Six episodes
Burnside was an old face from Bob Cryers past in his
first three guest appearances and was called Tommy. When he
became a series regular his name was changed to Frank. His last
onscreen appearance as a regular character is Bare Faced Lies.
His leaving episode is But Not Forgotten (07/09/93)
when Jaaack sends Tosh and Jim to his flat when he fails to show
for work. His mysterious disappearance wouldnt be explained
until Cast No Shadow
DCI Jack Meadows
Action Book (14/06/90) Rank of Det. Supt.
Witch Hunt (26/06/90)
Furthers (28/02/91)
On the Take (05/12/91)
First: Re-Hab (24/03/92) Rank of DCI
Jack was a high-ranking officer with AMIP until a corruption
scandal came to light (sound familiar?) Though he was cleared, he
was demoted for negligence and lack of supervision and sent back
to divisional CID
DCI Kim Reid
First: Street Smart (20/12/90)
Last: Somebody Special (13/02/92)
A Scandalous Act (16/07/92) Rank of Det. Supt.
DCI Gordon Wray
Middleman (24/04/90)
Corkscrew (26/04/90)
First: A Case to Answer (05/06/90)
Last: Street Smart (20/12/90)
Insp. Christine Frazer
First: Light Duties (19/07/88)
Last: I Thought Youd Gone (11/01/90)
Insp. Gina Gold
First: # 021 (27/06/02)
Spin-off: M.I.T. - Episode 1 (03/05/03)
Insp. Brian Kite
First: The New Order of Things (21/09/87)
Last: Not Without Cause (07/12/87)
Insp. Andrew Monroe
First: I Thought Youd Gone (11/01/90)
Last: # 008 (16/04/02)
DI Alex Cullen
First: On the Hook part I (03/11/00)
Last: # 036 (20/08/02)
DI Chris Deakin
First: Unfinished Business (02/08/94) Rank of DS
Last: All Fall Down part II (31/10/00)
Deakin was demoted from DI charged with conduct unbecoming.
When Sally Johnson left he became Acting-DI until the
reinstatement of his rank in Deeds of Mercy (28/04/95)
DI Roy Galloway
First: Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
Last: Not Without Cause (07/12/87)
A different actor plays Galloway in the pilot Woodentop
(16/08/83) but fictionally there is no reason to say this is not
the same character.
DI Harry Haines
Guest: Discipline (29/10/92)
First: Bad Reaction (10/09/93)
Last: Nothing Ventured (31/12/93)
Hot Stuff (06/01/95)
DI Sally Johnson
Give and Take (21/08/93) Rank of DS
First: Second Sight (06/01/94) Rank of DI
Last: Done is Done (27/01/95)
# 154 (02/10/03)
# 155 (08/10/03)
# 156 (09/10/03)
# 157 (15/10/03)
# 158 (16/10/03)
DI Neil Manson
First: # 178 (24/12/03)
A/DI Liz Rawton
First: Liar (10/09/96) Rank of DC
Last: Judgement Day (21/12/99)
Thug on the Tyne part I (11/01/00) Rank of DS
Thug on the Tyne part II (13/01/00)
The Trial of Eddie Santini (02/04/00)
Lies of Silence (13/04/01) Rank of A/DI
Night Games (23/11/01)
Aftershock (27/11/01)
Compulsion (30/11/01)
Shout (04/12/01)
Judas Kiss (07/12/01)
Slash and Burn (11/12/01)
Sgt. June Ackland
Woodentop (16/08/83)
First: Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
(16/10/84) Rank of PC
June spends more than 10 years as a regular beat bobby. She
becomes acting-sergeant in Dead of Night (29/03/96) and
successfully completes her sergeants exam in A Good Night Out
Sgt. Matthew Boyden
First: Balls in the Air (07/11/91)
Last: # 111 (01/05/03)
M.I.T. - Episode 1 (03/05/03)
Sgt. Joseph Corrie
First: Start with the Whistle (13/12/90)
Last: ??Joey (18/07/91)??
Sgt. Bob Cryer
First: Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
Last: Hitting Home (24/04/01)
# 012 (02/05/02)
# 108 (24/04/03)
# 112 (07/05/03)
# 149 (17/09/03)
# 248 (30/09/04)
Sgt. Craig Gilmore
First: Tour of Duty (10/04/01)
Last: # 088 (06/02/03)
Sgt. Jane Kendall
First: Shock to the System (26/01/93)
Last: No Place Like Home (21/09/93)
Sgt. John Maitland
First: Grief (01/01/91)
Last: ??Fast Food?? (25/05/93)
We find out that Maitland is going to leave Sun Hill to teach
at Hendon in Fallout (18/05/93). Ive seen Fast Food and it
doesnt really have an air of finality to it but I suppose
its possible John went to take up his new post, quietly and
without fuss.
Sgt. Tom Penny
First: Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
Last: Start with the Whistle (13/12/90)
Start to Finish (05/02/91)
Sgt. Alec Peters
First: Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
Last: ??1992??
# 248 (30/09/04)
Larry Dann is credited as custody sergeant in
Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
Sgt. Dale Smithy Smith
First: Taxed (20/07/99) Rank of PC
Last: Tolerance part II (30/03/01)
Return of the Hunter (06/04/01)
Hitting Home (24/04/01)
Returns: # 117 (29/05/03) Rank of Sgt.
Sgt. Ray Steele
First: ??Kith and Kin?? (20/07/93)
Last: Dangerous Game (11/04/96)
DS Don Beech
First: Expert Witness (03/02/95)
Last: All Fall Down part II (31/10/00)
Beech on the Run (19/08/01)
Beech is Back part I (21/08/01)
Beech is Back part II (24/08/01)
Beech is Back part III (28/08/01)
Beech is Back part IV (31/08/01)
Beech is Back part V (04/09/01)
Beech is Back part VI (07/09/01)
# 211 (28/04/04)
# 212 (05/05/04)
# 213 (06/05/04)
# 214 (13/05/04)
# 215 (19/05/04)
# 216 (20/05/04)
DS John Boulton
Faith in the System (01/02/94) Rank of DC
First: Saved (02/11/95) Rank of DS
Last: Find the Lady (17/10/00)
Russell Boulter is credited for playing Johns corpse in
Fifty, Fifty (20/10/00) as well as being credited for the
flashback sequences in Beech is Back (Aug-Sept. 2001)
DS Geoff Daly
First: Knocking on the Door (04/06/96)
Last: All Fall Down part II (31/10/00)
DS Ramani De Costa
First: # 124 (25/06/03)
Ramani is a Detective Constable when she first arrives at Sun
Hill, but is promoted into June Acklands shoes when she
decides to leave CSU in # 135 (31/07/03).
DS Alistair Greig
First: Getting it Right (03/01/89)
Last: Cooking (28/07/98)
DS Phil Hunter
First: # 029 (25/07/02)
DS Debbie McAllister
First: On the Hook part I (03/11/00)
Last: # 259 (10/11/04)
DS Jo Morgan
First: Keeping Out Of Trouble (09/03/93) Rank of
Last: Taking Stock (10/11/94)
Knowing the Score (26/09/95)
Some You Loose (28/09/95)
Fire (06/10/95)
All Tucked Up (10/10/95)
Bait (12/10/95)
Jo was promoted to DS shortly after Roachs departure;
her first episode in this rank is Natural Reaction (28/08/93).
DS Samantha Nixon
First: # 038 (27/08/02)
Spin-off: M.I.T. - Episode 1 (03/05/03)
Samantha is made Acting DI in # 039 (28/08/02) after Alex
Cullens sudden departure. She continues in this rank until
# 173 (10/12/03) when she discovers she has been passed over for
DS Danny Pearce
First: Pride and Joy (22/05/93)
Last: For Services Rendered (21/09/95)
Confession (27/02/96)
DS Ted Roach
First: A Friend in Need (23/10/84)
Last: Punch Drunk (15/05/93)
Old Enemies (26/09/00)
New Friends (29/09/00)
Ted dies off-screen a couple of weeks before # 248
(30/09/04), the episode of his funeral.
DS Vik Singh
First: On the Hook part I (03/11/00)
Last: # 006 (04/04/02)
DS Claire Stanton
First: Millennium (23/09/99) Rank of DS
Last: All Fall Down part II (31/10/00)
Beech on the Run (19/08/01) Rank of DI
Beech is Back part I (21/08/01)
Beech is Back part II (24/08/01)
Beech is Back part III (28/08/01)
Beech is Back part IV (31/08/01)
Beech is Back part V (04/09/01)
Beech is Back part VI (07/09/01)
PC Timothy Able
First: Make my Day (27/06/89)
Last: Something Special (01/03/90)
Mark Haddigan is credited as 'PC' in No Shelter (20/04/89).
PC Luke Ashton
First: Potential for Conflict (09/12/97)
Last: Cracked Up (22/07/99)
Returns: # 022 (02/07/02)
Last: # 122 (18/06/03)
PC Gary Best
First: # 020 (25/06/02)
M.I.T. - Episode 1 (03/05/03) {UNCREDITED}
PC Jamila Blake
First: The Right Thing (31/12/96)
Last: The Wrong Horse (28/01/99)
PC Adam Bostock
First: No Job for an Amateur (18/01/94)
Last: Instant Response (06/09/94)
PC Cathy Bradford
First: Set in Stone (31/01/02)
Last: # 184 (15/01/04)
# 206 (08/04/04)
PC Claire Brind
First: Trespasses (06/09/88)
Last: Saturday Night Fever (28/12/89)
PC Ruby Buxton
First: # 062 (14/11/02)
M.I.T. - Episode 1 (03/05/03)
Last: # 143 (28/08/03)
PC Roz Clarke
First: First Impressions part I (19/09/00)
Last: Slash and Burn (11/12/01)
PC Norika Datta
First: Exit Lines (19/09/89)
Last: The Whip Hand (09/07/98)
PC Andrea Dunbar
First: # 197 (10/03/04)
PC Francis Taffy Edwards
Woodentop (16/08/83)
First: Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
Last: I Thought Youd Gone (11/01/90)
Rites (24/05/90)
In the pilot the character was called Taffy
PC Suzanne Ford
First: A Friend in Need (23/10/84)
Last: ???1991???
Vikki Gee-Dare originally started as an uncredited background
extra. She is first named Sue in Rough in the
Afternoon (04/12/84). Her first credited appearance is Hothead
(24/01/89). Fords only major episode is Watch My Lips
PC Robin Frank
First: Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
Last: Traffic (11/07/89)
PC Delia French
Guest: Dont Like Mondays (25/07/89) As a civilian
First: Off the Leash (02/10/90) Rank of PC
Last: ??Acting Detective?? (26/03/92)
Delia first appeared as a civilian who typed up interview
transcripts for CID when she was credited as Miss
France. She then decided she wanted to be an officer and
went to Hendon.
PC George Garfield
First: Only a Little Bit of Thieving (02/05/89)
Last: Love and War part II (14/10/99)
A Day to Remember (16/12/99)
PC Vicky Hagen
First: Big Brother (07/05/98)
Last: Sacrifice (26/10/01)
PC Sam Harker
First: Things that Go Bump in the Night (30/12/97)
Last: # 010 (18/04/02)
The Bill Uncovered: Des and Reg (17/03/04)
The history on erroneously listed Sams first
episode as Villain (09/01/98)
PC Honey Harman
First: # 098 (20/03/03)
M.I.T. - Episode 1 (03/05/03) {UNCREDITED}
PC Donna Harris
First: ??Discretion?? (19/11/91)
Last: Confession (27/02/96)
PC Malcolm Haynes
First: Light Duties (17/07/88)
Last: Pressure (22/08/89)
PC Ben Hayward
First: First Impressions part I (19/09/00)
Last: # 008 (16/04/02)
PC Yvonne Hemmingway
First: # 156 (09/10/03)
PC Reg Hollis
First: Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
The Bill Uncovered: Des and Reg (17/03/04)
PC Steve Hunter
First: # 224 (30/06/04)
PC Mike Jarvis
First: Shake, Rattle and Roll (02/02/93)
Last: Volcano (08/05/98)
PC Amber Johannsen
First: # 264 (01/12/04)
PC Leela Kapoor
First: # 268 (15/12/04)
PC Debbie Keane
First: New Moves (07/03/95)
Last: Taking Sides (22/09/98)
PC Gabriel Kent
# 119 (05/06/03)
First: # 126 (02/07/03)
Spin-off: The Bill Uncovered: Kerry Youngs Story (04/11/04)
PC Nick Klein
First: Integrity part I (16/09/99)
M.I.T. - Episode 1 (03/05/03)
Last: # 206 (08/04/04)
PC Dave Litten
Woodentop (16/08/83)
First: Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
Last: The Sweet Smell of Failure (22/01/85)
The Chief Superintendents Party (10/02/86)
PC Steve Loxton
First: Police Powers (12/06/90)
Last: No Trace (14/11/97)
A Night to Forget (15/12/99)
A Day to Remember (16/12/99)
PC Abe Lyttleton
First: Snouts and Red Herrings (11/11/85)
Last: The Chief Superintendents Party (10/02/86)
PC Cathy Marshall
First: A Quiet Life (20/06/89)
Last: Judgement Call (19/01/96)
PC Gary McCann
First: ??Just Send Some Flowers?? (12/11/92)
Last: Friends (12/12/00) Rank of Sgt.
PC Ken Melvin
First: Some You Win, Some You Lose (28/09/87)
Last: Trojan Horse (22/05/90)
PC Sheelagh Murphy
First: # 089 (12/02/03)
Sheelagh is a Sergeant until a court case results in her
demotion in # 222 (17/06/04)
PC Pete Muswell
First: Snouts and Red Herrings (11/11/85)
Last: The Chief Superintendents Party (10/02/86)
PC Gemma Osbourne
First: # 054 (23/10/02)
Last: # 115 (21/05/03)
PC Polly Page
First: Spit and Polish (15/10/92)
Last: # 206 (08/04/04)
Polly goes on extended sick leave after the explosion in # 009
(17/04/02). She returns to duty in # 099 (26/03/03). Following
assisting the euthanasia of Dr. Owen Preston, Polly is sent down
on a murder charge. She is later exonerated, but due to
committing perjury, finds her position as a serving police
officer untenable. She returns to Sun Hill as a civilian staff
member in # 194 (26/02/04), credited as Police Staff
PC Danesh Patel
First: Some You Win, Some You Lose (28/09/87)
First: Skipper (23/11/87)
PC Lance Powell
First: # 210 (28/04/04)
PC Dave Quinnan
First: Chinese Whispers (21/12/89)
Last: Quinnan part IV (27/02/02)
PC Pete Ramsey
First: Good Will Visit (26/07/88)
Last: Dont Like Mondays (25/07/89)
PC Cass Rickman
First: Borderline (29/06/99)
Last: # 070 (11/12/02)
Suzanne Maddock is credited for playing Cass' corpse in # 071
PC Eddie Santini
First: Storyboards (29/01/98)
Last: Kiss Off (22/06/99)
The Trial of Eddie Santini (02/04/00)
PC Nick Shaw
First: Suspects (18/11/85)
Last: Not Without Cause (07/12/87)
PC Nick Slater
First: New Moves (07/03/95)
Last: Free to Speak? (03/10/97)
PC Tony Yorkie Smith
First: Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
Last: Leaving (15/08/89)
Rites (24/05/90)
Breakout (31/12/91) Rank of DC
PC Ron Smollett
First: ??Scores (21/06/90)??
Last: The Price of Fame (25/03/93)
The history on listed Discretion (19/11/91) as
Rons first episode but he appeared more than a year earlier
in Scores (21/06/90)
PC Tony Stamp
First: The Drugs Raid (20/11/84)
Graham Cole started his career on The Bill as a background
extra and appeared throughout the first three series until he was
promoted to regular character. He is first credited onscreen in
Some You Win, Some You Lose (28/09/87)
PC Barry Stringer
First: Rites (24/05/90)
Last: Mouth and Trousers (15/06/93)
PC Cameron Tait
First: # 085 (30/01/03)
Last: # 230 (22/07/04)
PC Des Taviner
First: A Week of Nights part I (04/05/01)
Last: # 159 (22/10/03)
# 162 (30/10/03)
# 186 (22/01/04)
# 189 (11/02/04)
# 190 (12/02/04)
# 191 (18/02/04)
# 192 (19/02/04)
# 193 (25/02/04)
# 198 (11/03/04)
Spin-off: The Bill Uncovered: Des and Reg (17/05/03)
Paul Usher in credited for playing Des corpse in # 199
PC Richard Turnham
First: Make My Day (27/06/89)
Last: Full House (10/04/90)
PC Roger Valentine
First: # 257 (03/11/04)
PC Di Worrell
First: Weekends are for Wimps (30/03/99)
Last: # 008 (16/04/02)
PC Kerry Young
First: # 025 (11/07/02)
Last: # 254 (21/10/04)
PC Phil Young
First: Chinese Whispers (21/12/89)
Last: The Square Peg (31/10/91)
DC Juliet Becker
First: # 119 (05/06/03)
Last: # 162 (30/10/03)
DC Jim Carver
Woodentop (16/08/83)
First: Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
Jim starts his CID training in The New Order of Things
(21/09/87). He finds that his tenure is due in Back to Basics
(06/05/99) and escapes transfer by applying to return to uniform
before his tenure is up. He is back on the beat in Makeover
(11/05/99). Jim transfers back again to CID without explanation
in # 2?? (??/??/04)
DC Suzi Croft
First: If it isnt Hurting (03/03/93)
Last: The Parent Trap (24/02/98)
Suzi began in CID as a trainee investigator meaning
technically her rank was still that of a PC. She becomes a bona
fide DC in Personal Space (19/07/94).
DC Mike Dashwood
First: A Friend in Need (23/10/84)
Last: Part of the Furniture (02/07/92)
Finders Keepers (22/12/92)
Return Match (24/12/92)
Going for a Song (25/04/96) Rank of DS
DC Ken Drummond
First: # 021 (27/06/02)
DC Danny Glaze
First: Makeover (11/05/99)
Last: # 155 (08/10/03)
Meadows receives Dannys warrant card and resignation in
# 156 (09/10/03), although his last on-screen appearance is #
DC Kerry Holmes
First: The Cross (20/10/98)
Last: All Fall Down part II (31/10/00)
DC Brandon Kane
First: # 022 (02/07/02)
Last: # 184 (15/01/04)
Brandon is a Trainee Detective Constable when he first arrives
at Sun Hill. He has undergone the training course to become a
fully-fledged DC by the time of # 143 (28/08/03).
DC Duncan Lennox
First: The Fat Lady Sings (27/11/98)
Last: # 037 (22/08/02)
# 047 (26/09/02)
# 049 (03/10/02)
# 051 (10/10/02)
# 052 (16/10/02)
# 054 (23/10/02)
# 055 & 056 (24/10/02)
# 057 (30/10/02)
# 063 & 064 (20/11/02)
# 065 (21/11/02)
# 068 (04/12/02)
# 071 (12/12/02)
# 072 (18/12/02)
# 074 (23/12/02)
# 075 (31/12/02)
# 076 (01/01/03)
# 077 (02/01/03)
Duncan transfers hastily to MIT in # 037 (22/08/02), and
returns as part of the Team just over a month later to
investigate the serial killer murders in Sun Hill, apparently
still as a regular cast member (according to For
the purposes of this list we are saying that Duncan officially
left Sun Hill in August, as this was when he left divisional CID.
His subsequent reappearances are counted as guest spots.
DC Alfred Tosh Lines
First: Stop and Search (27/10/88)
Last: A People Person (09/06/98)
The history on erroneously listed Toshs
first episode as An Old Fashioned Term (06/12/88)
DC Viv Martella
First: Funny Ol Business Cops and Robbers
(16/10/84) Rank of PC
Last: The Short Straw (26/03/93)
Viv becomes a DC and joins CID in One of the Boys (27/03/90)
DC Terry Perkins
# 147 (10/09/03)
First: # 165 (12/11/03)
DC Tom Proctor
First: Foxed (01/08/97)
Last: Whispers (04/07/00)
DC Paul Riley
First: On the Hook part I (03/11/00)
Last: # 008 (16/04/02)
DC Eva Sharpe
First: # 012 (02/05/02)
Last: # 197 (10/03/04)
DC Rod Skase
First: He Who Waits (11/01/94)
Last: Streetwise (17/02/00)
DC Kate Spears
First: On the Hook part I (03/11/00)
Last: # 008 (16/04/02)
Following the explosion, we learn in episode # 009 (17/04/02)
that Kate is on the critical list. She dies of a heart attack
during this episode.
DC Rob Thatcher
First: # 154 (02/10/03)
Last: # 262 (18/11/04)
DC Mickey Webb
First: Protect and Survive (13/04/00)
Last: # 155 (08/10/03)
# 162 (30/10/03)
# 196 (04/03/04)
# 197 (10/03/04)
DC Alan Woods
First: Hands Up (14/07/92)
Last: For Their Own Good (01/08/96)
SRO Marilyn Chambers
First: # 157 (15/10/03)
FDO Roberta Cryer
First: # 033 (08/08/02)
Last: # 149 (17/09/03)
# 179 (30/12/03)
# 180 (31/12/03)
CAD Officer Dean McVerry
First: # 150 (18/09/03)
DAC Trevor Hicks
Guest: Grief (01/01/93)
Bottleneck (03/05/94)
Inquest (30/09/94)
Pass the Parcel (28/10/94)
Pipped at the Post (04/11/94)
New Management (24/01/95)
Done is Done (27/01/95)
Deeds of Mercy (28/04/95)
Merrily on High (24/12/96)
Twanky (22/12/97)
Good Relations (13/07/99)
Chief Supt. Guy Mannion
Guest: Tinderbox (18/05/99)
Borderline (29/06/99)
Security (18/11/99)
Over the Edge (20/04/00)
Wheels (27/04/00)
Search Me (25/05/00)
Trust part I: A Sprat to Catch a Mackerel (02/06/00)
Trust part III: The Deep Blue Sea (08/06/00)
All Fall Down part I (27/10/00)
All Fall Down part II (31/10/00)
The Leopard part I (20/03/01)
Liquid City (28/09/01)
Sacrifice (26/10/01)
CPS Lawyer Jonathan Fox
# 210 (28/04/04)
# 212 (05/05/04)
# 213 (06/05/04)
# 214 (13/05/04)
# 215 (19/05/04)
# 216 (20/05/04)
# 217 (27/05/04)
# 230 (22/07/04)
# 231 (28/07/04)
# 232 (29/07/04)
# 233 (04/08/04)
# 236 (12/08/04)
# 237 (18/08/04)
# 238 (19/08/04)
DS Rosie Fox
Guest: Deep End (25/08/98) Rank of PC
The Partys Over (27/08/98)
Bang, Bang, Youre Dead (28/08/98)
Team Spirit (01/09/98)
Old Flames (08/06/99) Rank of DS
Push It (15/06/99)
Kiss Off (22/06/99)
The Trial of Eddie Santini (02/04/00)
Rosie must have had the fastest promotion in history, going
from a PC in Team Spirit, through the trainee investigator
programme, becoming a DC and then passing her Sergeants exam. All
in less than a year!
SC Terry Knowles
Guest: Special Attention (18/12/01)
Lure of the Sirens (20/12/01)
The Risk Factor (21/12/01)
Loaded (03/01/02)
Nurse Jenny Quinnan nee Delaney
Guest: Yesterdays Hero (18/03/99)
Out and About (08/04/99)
Look Away Now (27/08/99)
Pillow Talk (06/07/99)
Heavy Plant Crossing (08/07/99)
Love and War part I (12/10/99)
Love and War part II (14/10/99)
Security (18/11/99)
Money for Nothing (14/12/99)
A Night to Forget (15/12/99)
A Day to Remember (16/12/99)
Meltdown part I (06/0300)
Meltdown part II (07/03/00)
Meltdown part III (09/03/00)
Whispers (04/07/00)
Gentle Touch part II (08/09/00)
Gentle Touch part III (12/09/00)
A Girls Best Friend (10/11/00)
Bad for your Health part I (15/12/00)
Bad for your Health part II (19/12/00)
The Night Before (22/12/00)
The Morning After (29/12/00)
No Victim (16/01/00)
Home and Away (16/02/00)
Going Under (20/02/01)
Jenny and Dave get married in A Day to Remember.
I was in two minds as to list PC Hughes and Sgt. Lamont or
not. They are credited onscreen in some episodes, but are often
in the same background status as DC Tom Trev/Vic
Baker. Ultimately their exclusion from The Bill Bible (2003 ed.)
implies to me that they are not meant to be considered as
For the record the earliest appearance I have for PC Hughes is A
Death in the Family (23/02/89); Sgt. Lamont appeared in Seen to
Be Done (31/08/1989).